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Iron Edda: War of Metal and Bone $20.00
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Iron Edda: War of Metal and Bone
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Iron Edda: War of Metal and Bone
Publisher: TheOtherDev Productions
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/05/2015 14:42:47

Iron Edda is an exciting, unique Campaign Setting that utilizes the Fate Core and Fate Accelerated Systems. Set in a version of Norse Mythology, unlike you've ever seen before, towering giants of metal and bone collide. Adventure takes place on varying scales of conflict in a world at war. Create you own Holdfast and use the plot points derived from it to craft a group of characters with a strong shared story.

If you’re a fan of Norse Mythology, or fantasy gaming in general, I urge you to grab this unique campaign setting. Please read my full review located on my blog Melvin Smif's Geekery!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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