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Traveller: Far Trader #2
Publisher: AAM Markosia
by Daryl [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2024 15:39:52

Not much character development yet, but it's only the 2nd issue. I like the moral dilemma around the new engineer. Wonder which way that will go.

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Traveller: Far Trader #2
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Traveller: Far Trader #1
Publisher: AAM Markosia
by Daryl [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2024 15:29:52

It's okay. If you're not a Traveller fan, this probably won't be up your alley. If you are, you'll likely support it just because it's Traveller. (That's why I bought it.) Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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Traveller: Far Trader #1
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T5 Traveller5 Core Rules 3-Book Set
Publisher: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW)
by Daryl F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/29/2023 14:01:12

Way to complicated to be playable. The main task resolution system can involve rolling upwards of a dozen dice for a single task, and you roll for everything. Trying to create a random alien results in something truley random and not realistic in the slightest. I needed the forums to be able to understand starship and vehicle design which were broken and no one really had any good ideas on how to fix. By the time I had it all worked out I had lost interest and never even got to play a single session. Plus it feel like a scam to release a product for sale in basically a Beta version, have the people who purchase it be the testers, and then release it again on yet another kick starter for the final version. I bought the hard copy because I wanted a hard copy, not a doorstop and a PDF.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
T5 Traveller5 Core Rules 3-Book Set
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ERA for Rolemaster
Publisher: Iron Crown Enterprises
by Daryl F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/19/2021 17:11:34

Running Windows 10 and Fire Fox, both with the latest updates. Initially many icons refused to load, though they did work when you clicked where they were supposed to be. Also the bottom tabs on the character summary (bottom tabs? why bottom tabs?) didn't load their respective pages. I could still see the full character summary, though. When I tried to go back and edit some of my choices there were many minor glitches and issues with the navigation and graphics.

One person suggested I try Chrome, which I admitedly have not tried. The documentation this comes with, while lacking, does specify that it should work in Fire Fox. Had it said it was only supported in Chrome I wouldn't have given it a second look. But I did, and when I tried it a second time the application failed to load any characters at all; not my test one and niether of the default ones it comes with. This was just after I installed the recent Windows updates, but I can't say for sure that this was the cause or not.

Regardless, the software was too buggy and unprofessional for me to spend any money on. I'm sure for those who can get it to work it is likely a huge time-saver. And because the base software is free to download, you can see if you are able to get it working or not before you buy, which is nice. Unfortunately I can only rate it based on my own experience. Maybe when RMU comes out they will update this and it will be usable.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
ERA for Rolemaster
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