I have not been able to get it to open and do anything. So far all it does is take up memory.
Creator Reply: |
Please post the specifics of your problem on the Rolemaster Software board of the ICE forums at www.ironcrown.com so that we can figure out what is the problem and get you running.
Best wishes,
Nicholas HM Caldwell,
Director, Guild Companion Publications |
The Exalted game setting is a great universe for those who are fans of Anime, the Matrix Movies and other such super powered settings. I found the dice pool mechanics clunky at first--I started Role-playing with 2nd Ed. D & D in 1980--but have come to appreciate its flexibility; also I have discovered there is more suspense from rolling 20+ dice and counting my successes and a lucky roll absolutely destroying a foe--either in melee or social combat.
I got into the Exalted setting with 2nd. Ed., but decided to get the 1st. Ed. Books because I discovered that some material from the 1st. Ed. has not been converted to 2nd. Ed. stats and I want to be able to use those earlier materials.
The book does suffer from White Wolf's continuing indexing failures, but it is a must for running a game where you intend any Lunar interaction for your group, or if you want to run a Lunar game. Some of the Lunar rules are a bit cumbersome, but considering the nature of the Lunars it's not surprising. A good Index of the Charms especially the Gift and Fury Charms would much improve the book's use.
Kingdom of Nothing is not your typical RPG: for a few examples, Players don't make their own characters--at least half of a player's character is generated by the other players and the Narrator of the game; there are No dice--challenge results are decided by tossing coins (which integrates with the themes of the game in a most impressive manner); though still open ended as most RPGs are--there are some defininte win and lose conditions for the characters which act as rewards and punishments for them.
The rules are a little sparse in areas, but I regard this as an invitation to write my own. I'm intent on e-mailing my rules to Galileo Games--maybe they will be included in a future edition.
The first half reads like a cross of Musashi's "A Book of Five Rings," Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" and "The Bible." The second half of the book provides excellent errata and new charms for the Dragon-Blooded. Overall an excellent supplement to the Exalted Line.
The inevitable clash of the Wyld Hunt with the Solar Circle is resolved and the unhappy after-math as well. The story is close to what one might expect--especially if one has already seen the comic pages printed in the Exalted Rules books and read the descriptions of the characters in the Scroll of Exalts.
The art maintains the quality of the previous books. The circle battles ghosts and runs afoul of the Wyld Hunt. This begins the climax of the action for the story to date.
Yet again, the art is beautiful. The story line continues and introduces the first god shown in the series, Grandmother Bright. She is an important part of the city of Chiaroscuro, the setting for the story, and of the Exalted Game--at least anytime it is played in that city. Characters development continues apace, with Faka Kun's pugnacious attitude towards Kidale.
Again the art is well drawn and inked. This book introduces the last three members of the Solar Circle who are the protagonists of the story. Elements of the Djalas' history are touched on in this issue as well. This is helpful to those who play Exalted as there is little actual historical or cultural info in the rule books on the Djala people.
The second book in the series (despite the numbering), more primary characters are introduced and their personalities are developed with brief scenes of their lives as First Age Solars and their current circumstances. The book is as beautifully drawn and inked as the previous one. The short bonus story of the Contagion, Balorian Crusade and the rise of the Scarlet Empress paints a good brief history of one of the central events of the Exalted Game setting.
The art is beautifully drawn and inked. This book introduces several of the characters who will be the primary actors in the five following books. I recommend the whole series of books for those who like the Exalted game and would like good visual representations of various spells and charms to look at. Also the story fills in the history of the characters Faka Kun, Demetheus, Wind, and Jasara who are presented in the Scroll of Exalts.