I expected this to work flawlessly, the combat tool did not work on the stock monsters. That was my biggest frustration. Additionally, when creating a character I expected to be able to randomly generate stats with the RMFRP set. Lastly, the software is designed to run on a localhost using a web interface. Which is great provided you have the ability to connect to a router so that your players can do something with the software. In a lot places there were no buttons to return to the main module, so I had to use the back button far too frequently for my tastes.
The character sheet for printing is awful, as well, I'd expect that it would render in a very nice sheet that we could print and take to the table. I expected the ability to enter my own data as well.Purchasing the data packs is the route they decided to take, but if I don't have the extra money and I want to invest my time into entering the data myself, I expect to be able to do that. Overall its a decent attempt, but I am happy it didn't cost me anything to find out this wasn't really production ready.