Before ERA was published and FGU had his own FRPG ruleset, it was a pain to DM Rolemaster and only the most devoted players invested the many hours of time you need for a new character creation. The time changed and self made worksheets sufficed no more and players Today expecting more modern approaches.Today many people play online Rolemaster and it is quiet easy to get players for this detailed and extremely flexible Role-playing game. Thanks to ERA you have all rules online, can cast spells and make attacks and get crit results without ever needing a table to lookup. Not very intuitive sometimes and graphical oriented more as a tool, but lightning fast, you save many hours during character generation because you need not read all rules before you can start. Highly recommended, this product line lead for us to a renaissance of shadowworld and Rolemaster pen&paper activities, having no more need for long table searching time or looking where you have to find certain rules because you have all at your fingertips.