Too bad you didnt stay with the SW Heavy Weapons/Heavy Armor, I would have purchased SW Rifts for sure.
After hours of printing two 2" tiles reality hit me, I just wasted $10.
The rediculous amount of time it takes to barely save 50% of my money and but take 10000%more of my time instead of
purchasing professionaly finished physical pieces from the likes of Dwarven Forge is just plain silly.
Maybe in another decade or so...the technology isnt even close there to make it worth while yet.
Excellent little mini. Great work on separting the parts btw.
Just printed it on my MakerGear M2.
Took 23 minutes and cost a whole 4 cents to make :)
Looking forward to seeing more!
Creator Reply: |
Thanks! I just got started on this site so I\'ll keep on uploading :-) |
For a first release this is a great set.
It is a very versatile 5 figure set, it has the ideal front and back sides, bases, and even cutfiles.
Very promising new vendor, cant wait to see more!
The art is not as good as the other Brave Adventures sets.
The faces seem all too similar IMO.
Needs female witch hunters and some more fully masked ones as well.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your feedback. |
Thank you for your feedback. We will try to have more female characters in the future. |
A little pricey for what you get but luckily I needed the wooden towers and wood pole gates or Id see it as a disappointment.
Decent set.
The props are useless IMO Id rather have more creatures or characters.
Excellent creepy setting. Perfect for even my Savage Worlds Gothic settings Im running.
Easy to change stats. Its the great writing, ideas and flavor that Carnival of Sinners gives that can be used by anyone for any era or ruleset.
Excellent work as always for this vendor.
I love the minis all having back artwork as well as different poses.
Makes them look so great on the tabletop!
Incredible mini set, I will be using these guys for my puply Realms of Cthulhu Savage Worlds campaign!
Would love to see more gothic horror, especially Lovecraftian monsters and investigators for this artist
Awesome set.
Perfect for a holiday zombie adventure!
Ok set, though it should have been better than Dragonshire and even more versitle.
But it isn't.
The textures are better, but that's as far as any improvement for a new fantasy town set goes.
The fold flat system is just way too flimsy.
This is a decent set but many things are not included that should have been (such as rooms that match the broken ruin halls).
Also 50% are bone walled pieces that I just cant see using more than once.
Unlike the original dungeon sets this isn't nearly as versatile.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review. I will try to improve the description and include some map examples so that there\'s no misunderstandings about the pack\'s contents and theme. In the introduction (quoted above) I say \"The decrepit stone corridors and steps are designed to be used with standard grey walled rooms and chambers provided in the Basic Pack (and other Inked Adventures products).\" We have added broken flags to the large Alcove chamber and vaults, but there was a sense that they weren\'t decayed enough, so maybe it looks as though we have not provided matching rooms. There are counters with which to decorate the standard Inked Adventures rooms (some of which are free to download) to make them tomb-like, also players are always encouraged to cut up elements and add them to different sections, for example - the broken squares in the corridors can be glued onto traditional rooms. In consideration of this Inked Adventures might be able to provide some bonus decrepit rooms as a free download at a later date to readdress the balance. Thank you for purchasing/downloading this product and the feedback is definitely useful. :) |
Even though this is only a $3 set, Im very disappointed with this purchased.
The art is just not that nice looking especially the dark versions...its like the publisher didn't even try.
Also it would have been nice to have the grass tile at a square 6x6.
I just don't see myself wasting my ink in printed multiple of this to use as a forest on the tabletop.
Creator Reply: |
Examples and the art were provided in the description, but I am sorry that you are dissatisfied with the product. We have plans for square forest tiles using similar art. The graphics are croppable in this pack should players wish to make there own 6x6 tiles. I might be able to refund you purchase. Feel free to email me at inkedadventures@yahoo.co.uk
An absolutely gorgeous set, the art is top notch and has the detailed back of every mini.
I couldn't be more happy to add these in my next horror adventure.