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Armor & Clothing Quick Generator
Publisher: Ennead Games
by James B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/28/2014 21:39:59

Okay, first of all, no one likes to have their work spoken bad of. I know work went into it. I respect that. Lists of a hundred different things are difficult to come up with. I think it's very user-friendly. A few dice rolls and you've got something. I think it could be used as inspiration for items. I suppose I thought this would have more details and fewer combinations that simply don't work. I don't know what to do with an average scale robe. I'm not trying to find something that comes up with everything for me, but what's average about it? Size? Quality? Average as in everyone has one? Yes, I know those blanks can be filled in on the fly at any time. It's that all of the combinations are like that. It's not horribly common to have a roll that makes sense. I don't even want to try to explain about the complex soft letter jock strap. I've downloaded a few things like this Armor and Clothing generator. I like most of them. This one just wasn't what I thought it would be, I guess.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Armor & Clothing Quick Generator
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the feed back - Sorry you didn\'t enjoy it. There was going to be more details in the orginal draft, but that was a bit beyond the scope of the product, which was to give a quick one line description. Also you don\'t have to use all the lists for each item, it just provides more results. If you just need to know, for example, the condition of an item you can just use that, or even just the table that tells you what the item of clothing is.
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