A well-produced, inexpensive way to bring white, or angelic-sourced magic, into your d20 Modern campaign.
It departs from the standard d20 Modern rules, in that all the Enochian FX detailed in this product function as skills in gameplay, not spells in the traditional d20 sense. Prerequisite feats help GMs keep the ability to use Enochian magic as rare as the campaign requires, while the concept of power strain and power exhaustion prevents players from using their abilities at will, all the time, every time.
It's not a comprehensive product, but at such a low price, it would be greedy to expect it to be. Ambitious GMs will see the general pattern of FX skills checks and balances the book sets up, and will be able to "fill in the blanks" for any abilities they feel ought to be there.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: --- Enochian magic -- angel-provided magic, as per the apocryphal Book of Enoch from the Biblical era -- seems an obvious d20 Modern counter to all the villainous diabolic sorcery floating about in d20 Modern games, and yet not even the Modern core rules have explored this idea very successfully. This product by F.J. Eastman is a good start in the right direction.
--- The book sports a nice, clean design and comes in both a standard and a printer-friendly version. The artwork won't necessarily set your world on fire, but the overall look of the product is pleasing.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Not criticisms, merely notes for potential purchasers:
--- Be advised that one of the main virtues of this product is that it is cheap. As such, don't expect the world of it.
It touches on the general concept of Enochian magic, explains how to use FX as skills in your d20 Modern games, and provides a handful of FX skill "powers" for game use. That's it.
Don't expect some exhaustive catalogue of FX skill powers for every situation, and every conceivable character concept, at every level of gameplay, or you'll be bitterly disappointed.
This is an inexpensive product which introduces some basic concepts, provides nine example FX skill powers you can use in-game at varying levels (skills are not bound by character level, after all), and then the product basically points the way from there.
If you want more powers and more detail, you'll have to do the work yourself. You get what you pay for here.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>