Three GREAT adventures. Easily adaptable to most any setting!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
If you're a lazy GM like me this is a godsend. A compleete town with places and NPC's galore. I would like to see more detail in the overland maps, but the location maps make up for it!
Very High Fantisy, too much for what I need. A good product nonetheless. "City on the Edge" is very detailed {180 pages full of crunchy bits} with maps, NPC's, feats, new classes and more.
Great price for a lot of good stuff!
"OUCH!" If you ever wanted to punish your spellcasters for trying those spells they don't know this is the way to do it.
It will deffanatly make the "Madwand" a feared character, by both friends and foes alike.
I ran an adventure that took place in a Circus. It was a simple affair where the characters are investagating strange goings on with the performers. However, my players decided to enjoy themselves at the Circus and play a few of the games... Thankfully I had this!!!
Its uses are somewhat limited, as it is a "speciality niche", but if you want flavor this has it!
In this campagin your players must be able to work together.
While I like the premus and setting I was looking for something with a more Piratical theme. However, low or high fanticy this can be inserted into most any campagin where your characters are traveliong by sea.
"The Island of Doctor Moreau".
This adventure does justice to the story of Doctor Moreau. Low in magic but high in adventure and intrigue, Can't wait to inflict it upon my players!
I always felt that there needed to be more to the shopping experience than provided by the core booke, I just didn't realize how much more!
If you've ever watched those movies where the hero is walking through town squair and being deluged bye merchants hawking their goods, this is where they get the goods. A must have.
"Yarrr, here be a supp'leym'nt I be a us'in'. Thar Canno' be enuff o this here piraty stuff!"
The adventure "For the Love of Rum" is a great side trek to entrt into any Piratical Campagin. I've got a shipload of drunks who will love this adventure.
The encounter chart has been invaluable, possably the most useful item in this supliment.
But the most fun entry has to be the afflictions chart, I've already implemented it into my campagin {along with a Call of Cthulhu sanity chart it works well}. The players hate it!!!
I love the product, love the ability to create a classless/leveless system. Tho I see the ability for some abuse by the players and a need for a new spreadsheet for the GM.
My only request would be more charts and less talk.
"Welcome to Witten Asylum, where insanity is our 'friend'. We are having a two for one sale today, so we're a bit busy. But if you'll just have a seat we'll get right to you between victims? I mean ?patients?. Mmwahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?
What could be spookier than an asylum? An asylum run by? (now why would I give THAT away?) A small town, an asylum in ?disrepair?, dark rumors, missing towns folk, it all ads up to an ominous adventure. What more could a DM want (mmwahahahaaaaaaaaaa)?
My only complaint is that I found this in November? Too late for the Halloween campaign. But now I have a year to plot, plan, connive, and generally build up to frightening campaign? ?Krook-shanks, send in the next victim? I mean ?patient???
"Welcome to Witten Asylum, where insanity is our 'friend'. We are having a two for one sale today, so we're a bit busy. But if you'll just have a seat we'll get right to you between victims? I mean ?patients?. Mmwahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?
What could be spookier than an asylum? An asylum run by? (now why would I give THAT away?) A small town, an asylum in ?disrepair?, dark rumors, missing towns folk, it all ads up to a ominous adventure. What more could a DM want (mmwahahahaaaaaaaaaa)?
My only complaint is that I found this in November? Too late for the Halloween campaign. But now I have a year to plot, plan, connive, and generally build up to frightening campaign? ?Krook-shanks, send in the next victim? I mean ?patient???
?Fifteen men on a dead man?s chest
?Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of? ?Sexy War Hag???
Beverages from Absinthe (and a green faery) to Vodka; mixed drinks from Blacksmith to Xorn Vomit and a few fantastic drinks to boot. If you?ve ever wanted to get drunk in the game or just visit a tavern this is a must read! There are rules from ?tipsy? to ?plastered?, and even some information on how each drink is made. All around a great resource and a good read.
Complete? yep, that?s the word; ?Complete?. This is indeed a set of Complete Spell Cards! What a great resource, I?m glad someone finally did this (Lord knows I tried and quit, it was too overwhelming!). As a GM this is a MUST HAVE!
This is a bit of an unfair review as I have never played the Diceless System. I purchased this ONLY because it was about pirates? Aye, it had a great name ?Bloode Island?. Not understanding how the system works I skimmed threw the ?Teck?ni?l jargon? and went straight to the adventure. And what an adventure. Without giving anything away, the party meets a mad inventor, runs into an old nemesis, seeks sunken treasure, and it even has two different endings.
System and adventure aside, this item is ?calk-full ?o information?. There?s pirate history, from Columbus to flags of famous pirates, it even offers a dossier on key figures of the time, maps, soundings, and piratical terms.
An all around good source for piratical information.