Outstanding! This is a short but rich collection of tools to use in making up a setting and adventures as you go. Paul Stefko has done a fantastic job bringing together key elements of optimistic space exploration in the vein of the original Star Trek, and making each bit intensely useful. It's loaded with insights that simply hadn't occurred to me before but made immediate sense the moment I saw them, like how the stunts each PC crew member take can help flesh out their part of a ship and implicitly the whole culture of their fleet. The idea of crew taking consequences on behalf of the ship while it's in battle - including damage from showers of sparks, being flung around, etc. - is another one of those "dang, I wish I'd thought of that" elements.
There's a lot of humor in here, but no mocking, and enough to allow for drama that's very real and consequential as the characters experience it. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in the genre. It's not a campaign ready to go, it's what you need to go ahead and go without everything done in advance.