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Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
Publisher: Jenna Katerin Moran
by Holden S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2014 13:12:26

This is post-apocalyptic pastoral at its finest. Also, gothic, action-adventure, and several other genres.

The world has drowned in nothingness, but some scant few shreds of the old cosmos remain, largely having forgotten themselves. The gods and devils and Knights of Nothingness of old live on as schoolboys and shopkeepers and mad scientists, moving through mad miraculous tales in the stable remnants of the universe. Will you unravel the mystery of who slew the sun and plunged the universe into oblivion? Resurrect and re-start the world that was? Or just appreciate a slow, sunny day by the shores of Big Lake with your friends?

Chuubo is a game of many stories starring a roster of "pre-generated" characters, who are more like customizable character classes or archetypes than standard pre-gens. (Someone plays The Best Friend, for example, but there's enormous latitude to make that character concept your own, including modding name, gender, personality, etc-- only his 'mythic archetype' and associated powers are kind of fixed.) There's really nothing else on the market quite like it. Rules are diceless and very easy to use, and the art and layout are gorgeous and charming.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
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Clanbook: Toreador - Revised Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Holden S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/09/2011 01:27:07

I ordered this book in print-on-demand form. The product delivered was clear and crisp, with a tight spine—the same quality as a mass-printed Clanbook, if not better.

As for the book itself: It's great. The book heavily focuses on Clan Toreador as mankind's hungry shadow, champions of the finest elements of humanity with a distinct tendency to destroy what they most cherish. It very much downplays earlier-edition renditions of the Toreador as a clan of useless art snobs; the Revised Toreador are sensation junkies, chasing the feeling of being alive again either directly or through proxies, leaving a trail of broken dreams and incomplete obsessions in their wake.

The book's writing is fast-paced and engaging; the sections written 'in character' manage the trick of giving the narrators memorable and distinct personalities and voices, rather than just droning on and on like undead encyclopedias. All in all, it does a lot to add depth to a clan that can be hard to get past the surface of for many players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Clanbook: Toreador - Revised Edition
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Vampire Translation Guide
Publisher: White Wolf
by Holden S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/27/2011 15:15:28

There are some excellent reviews of the product's contents below this one, I'll let them speak for themselves (short version: if you want Requiem in your Masquerade, Masquerade in your Requiem, or to run one game with the rules of the other, get this). I just bought the Print-on-Demand version of this book, so that's what I'll be reviewing here:

In short, it's lovely. The PoD book is full-color, with paper that feels rich and slick to the touch, but isn't glossy or cheap magazine-paper. It's a slim but sturdy book with a real binding--no staples. The colors are vivid and pop out, especially the red wash at the margins-- and the margins themselves are very clean. No dead white space around the edge or anything. It looks like traditional print.

Anyone with worries about print-on-demand quality, forget about them. The serial page added to the back of the book is the only giveaway that this wasn't printed by traditional means. I've gotten similarly-sized products from Lulu before, and this is markedly better quality.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire Translation Guide
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Clanbook: Assamite - Revised Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Holden S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/17/2011 03:10:24

Just ordered this book in Print-on-Demand form. The book is clean, clearly-printed, with a tight spine--at a glance, the only thing that distinguishes it from the traditionally published clanbooks on my shelf is the lack of age-yellowing on the pages.

In terms of content, the book is wonderful, bringing great depth and variation to a Clan that is easy to dismiss as a pack of one-note murderers. The three Assamite castes (Warriors, Sorcerers, Viziers) are given full in-depth coverage, as is the schism that drives many Assamites into the surprised arms of the Camarilla in the modern nights. This opens up the opportunity to play Assamites in a much wider variety of games than the Vampire corebook suggests. I would definitely recommend this book for any Vampire fan.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Clanbook: Assamite - Revised Edition
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Splinters of the Wyld
Publisher: White Wolf
by Holden S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/06/2010 10:18:59

The new Wyld locales live up to the high standards set by the original Wyld book, the section on trade with Wyld barbarians is interesting, and we even get a few new mutations! Well worth the purchase.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Splinters of the Wyld
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