This "training course" consists of thirty lessons going through all the fundamentals of solo roleplaying, and most having an exercise to help you put the lesson to use. It assumes you have no prior experience and tries to explain everything clearly. If you're particularly busy and don't have much time to yourself, doing the lessons day-by-day is a blessing as MOST don't ask for too much time (the exception would be the one or two which ask you to research different game engines for yourself, no small feat!).
The lessons I've found to be absolutely core to solo roleplaying. They may be completely eye-opening for those who have merely dabbled in solo rpg sessions.
It asks you to explore what it is that YOU want from your sessions and helps you understand what tools are available.
Finally, this encourages experimentation as well as mixing and matching one's tools in order to tailor their experiences for themselves.
I highly recommend this for anyone and everyone getting into solo roleplaying.