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Frustration to Freedom: 30 Days to Legendary Solo Roleplaying Adventures
Publisher: Cabbage Games
by Courtney D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/21/2020 02:51:21

This "training course" consists of thirty lessons going through all the fundamentals of solo roleplaying, and most having an exercise to help you put the lesson to use. It assumes you have no prior experience and tries to explain everything clearly. If you're particularly busy and don't have much time to yourself, doing the lessons day-by-day is a blessing as MOST don't ask for too much time (the exception would be the one or two which ask you to research different game engines for yourself, no small feat!).

The lessons I've found to be absolutely core to solo roleplaying. They may be completely eye-opening for those who have merely dabbled in solo rpg sessions. It asks you to explore what it is that YOU want from your sessions and helps you understand what tools are available. Finally, this encourages experimentation as well as mixing and matching one's tools in order to tailor their experiences for themselves.

I highly recommend this for anyone and everyone getting into solo roleplaying.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Frustration to Freedom: 30 Days to Legendary Solo Roleplaying Adventures
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Mythic Variations 2
Publisher: Word Mill Games
by Courtney D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2020 21:43:59

These second set of extensions to the Mythic rules streamlines a lot of the process.

  • The biggest and most noticeable difference is the Fate Check replacing the Fate Chart. In the original rules, you would refer to a chart, comparing the odds of succeeding with possible influence from the Chaos Factor. I personally found it daunting. Instead, the Fate Check forgoes the chart and simplifies the process so you could easily manage it in your head.
  • The Detail Check is an alternative means of getting details on an entity, or rather, it's a random word generator to inspire your imagination. I've personally found its selection of words satisfactory.
  • The Event Check is more or less the same as the Random Event from the original. Aside from how it's triggered (from the Fate Check), I can't see a difference.
  • The Behaviour check is fascinating, if a little fiddly with the numbers. With it, you determine the intensity that an NPC acts and can randomly pull out unexpected actions. It has a particular consistency that helps it along in comparison to simply making a Fate Check asking something like "did the guy cower in fear?"
  • I confess to not using the Statistics Check, as the games I play using Mythic were devoid of crunch.

I personally found these variations to be my favourite as they get the job done quickly and with minimum fuss.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mythic Variations 2
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Risus Companion
Publisher: Big Dice Games
by Courtney D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/02/2020 06:22:25

Risus is a very barebones game system, very, very rules light. I picked it up because I wanted something quick and easy with a minimum of crunch. It proved to be pretty fun, and after a session or two, I gave the companion a look over. It has helped me immensely as an extravagent source of inspiration! It details multiple ways of utilising the rules and provides a good number of examples for characters, situations and the potential combinations of the two. It has opened my mind up to many different interpretations of an incoming conflict and provided good advice for keeping the game fun. Laced with some cheekiness and stick-figures everywhere, I highly recommend it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Risus Companion
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