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Forest Cut-Up Sheets (Inked Adventures) $3.00
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Forest Cut-Up Sheets (Inked Adventures)
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Forest Cut-Up Sheets (Inked Adventures)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Robert N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/17/2018 14:34:51

I've only used the grass map tiles in this set, so I haven't tried cutting out either the forest or paths and then overlaying on top of each other. But I still like having basic forest/grasslands tiles in Inked Adventures distinctive style. I use other maps/terrain in my 5E campaign sessions, but when I run a session that uses Inked Adventures, I like all the map tiles to be consistent. All told, Inked Adventures style is simply highly evocative.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Forest Cut-Up Sheets (Inked Adventures)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by JERRY M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/18/2014 18:17:36

Like all of Mr. Babble's sets, this is reminiscent of the old-school Dungeon Floor Plans. (In fact, some of the pages look like they would fit right into some of the forest sets.)

What you get are pages of assorted foliage in different hues (and pages of B&W so you can color them yourself) and some grassy pages as well. The detail is excellent, and overall this is a simple, but useful set. And the price is good too.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Forest Cut-Up Sheets (Inked Adventures)
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Shannon J B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/18/2014 13:56:35

Even though this is only a $3 set, Im very disappointed with this purchased. The art is just not that nice looking especially the dark versions...its like the publisher didn't even try.

Also it would have been nice to have the grass tile at a square 6x6.

I just don't see myself wasting my ink in printed multiple of this to use as a forest on the tabletop.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Examples and the art were provided in the description, but I am sorry that you are dissatisfied with the product. We have plans for square forest tiles using similar art. The graphics are croppable in this pack should players wish to make there own 6x6 tiles. I might be able to refund you purchase. Feel free to email me at
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