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CAL1 Calidar, In Stranger Skies
Publisher: Calidar Publishing
by Rafael S. M. T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/26/2014 13:44:57

Got the PDF, skimmed through the book. Here's my impression - and mind you, that I, as a paying customer, never particularly care if my verdict displeases, really, anyone. To see where I am coming from, I have a preference for TSR-era D&D, with the best publications of the last few years being FFG's Dawnforge, Green Ronin's Black Company Campaign Setting, and the DCC RPG.

The kickstarter for Calidar, I thought could have been more elaborated, and the advanced options didn't appeal to me. From a first glance, I also think the book is rather short compared to many other actual publications; maybe, inserting the supporter bonus content into the actual book would have been a good idea in that regard. About the ship maps, I am pretty divided; they are pretty fugly, quite frankly, with the blue background, and all, but seem to be pretty useful for actual play, which is something most modern rpg publishers notoriously seem to forget.

My overall impression of the book, and that might surprise people who know that I am usually a pretty snarky reviewer, and seldom welcome new stuff, is overwhelmingly positive. This is an altogether well-crafted, well-written first installment of what hopefully will be the first part of a longer series. While the physical book itself is obviously very strongly after TSR-era modules, and the tone of the setting very strongly suggests a, let's-call-it-that-way, "compatibility" to the Mystara universe, the decisive factor is that the text's original and individual ideas are charming. I am not exaggerating when I say that the last rpg book that had such a good impression on me, by itself, as opposed to its compatibility with a bigger universe, might have been the first S&S Ravenloft Gazetteer, back in 2003. - Obviously, while "Stranger Skies", as a small-press book, cannot compare to the baroque publications by Wizbro and Paizo, for us more seasoned gamers in the D&D family, this might well be the book of the year.

...So, this is about as cozy as you will get me, folks. Now, CAL-2, please.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CAL1 Calidar, In Stranger Skies
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