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Witchology 101
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Witchology 101
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/08/2022 09:57:12

Originally posted here:

PDF. 60 pages, $2.99. 1 page cover, 1 title page, 1 page introduction, 3 pages table of contents. 3 pages Creative Common license, 1 page OGL. Rest content.

This book is punching way above its weight class, to be honest. The organization is a bit odd, but nothing I can't navigate.

We get a Glossary at the start, which I guess works to help people unfamiliar with some of these terms. An introduction to a Who's Who of magical people and places. This includes the various school of magic as if they were actual schools. Each school gets its Latin motto, its center of studies, and titles. It is a pretty cool idea really. Spells by school are listed with their appropriate colleges.

There is a whole implicit setting here that can be used in conjunction with any Modern d20 game that also has magic, say like Urban Arcana. It can also be used with other modern games that are built on a d20 system. I am not 100% sure, but I bet it would work with Mutants and Masterminds for example.

This is a d20-based rule book so there are some features of that. What am I saying? There are Feats! Quite a few in fact. There are spells, some new, some we have seen before (this is fine). Also to my pleasure, there are new creatures or some reskinned ones. This is a must I think.

It has a Creative Commons License and the OGL. I am not really sure if you can mix the two. But that does not detract from my enjoyment of it.

So for just under $3 you get 50 pages of solid content. There is no art to speak of, but that is fine really.

Solid work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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