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Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom
Publisher: Goodman Games
by David C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/01/2015 21:09:15

All in all this was a good piece. I didn't cross check the publisher date with the official release of 5e, but I did notice one rule discrepancy. The spells for the final NPC were set up like previous versions would have done.

Other than that, I would have liked to see a better accounting of time. Where Okkar's timeline fits in with the fall of the Knuckle and Steelhand Hall, exactly how many years has passed, etc. Because of that deficit, it makes it difficult to rationalize some things like how there are working crossbows still in one guardroom, how long ago all the ore was gone, and thereby what have the greed grubs been living on (unless they are actually undead), etc.

My players enjoyed the module, and picked up on the hook to continue helping Okkar by traveling to Steelhand Hall.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom
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