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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Survive This!! - Core Rule Book OSR RPG
Publisher: Bloat Games
by CONRAD H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2018 14:45:16

I purchased this and read through it but haven't played it yet. They have taken the D&D system (Str, Int, Wis, Dex, Con, Chr, HP, AC, etc.) and have added skills system that is just enough and not too much to get the job done they want to do. There are no revolutionairy game mechanics in here but that is a good thing because that means you probably know how to play this already. Should you purchase this? If you loved Netflix's Stranger Things then YES. Stop reading now and go purchase this.

The real magic that they have baked into this game is everything beyond the rule system. I honestly they believed they watched every 80s kid adventure movie that I wanted to be a part of and made a game for me. And I know why they did it. See, and I got this from the Stranger Things "Behind the Scenes" interviews, the '80s was the last time when kids could go have these kind of adventures. Parents were not as concerned where you were. Cell phones and instant data wasn't there so hearsay, rumors and superstition was still a parge part of our life. There was just more mystery back then. Things were just starting to get computerized and 2048 bit RSA keys were not in the way. You just had to sneak into the school office and turn on the computer to look at someone's grades. If you wanted to know about a kid, you had to go to the file cabinet.

Being a kid in the 80s in a strange rural town was awesome and I believe they have captured all that with this game.

I couldn't stop thinking of adventures I wanted to write and run. I think this game and setting is best for investigative type adventures. It takes only a little more than a beginner GM to write and run those but if you can then you will rock your table with this book and the other add-ons.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Survive This!! - Core Rule Book OSR RPG
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Terrible Beauty
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Bill H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/03/2016 17:10:51

Robert J. Schwalb has given fans of his fantasy/horror roleplaying game Shadow of the Demon Lord another excellent expansion. As with Tombs of the Desolation, when Terrible Beauty came out, I dropped everything to read it and was rewarded immensely.

There are new ancestries (what many other fantasy RPGs call races) that fit nicely within the existing materials. As with Tombs, you will also get more of just about everything which includes spells, magic items, settings and monsters. It’s cherry on top is a fey centered adventure you can drop in almost anywhere.

While reading Terrible Beauty, I discovered what exactly is there that I enjoy so much about this game. It has the feel that Mr. Schwalb digs into the superstitious past like a mythical archeologist to bring us Game Masters the authentic roots of these topics. He then delivers it as he finds it whether they be delicious, just palatable or even stomach turning. He makes no excuses.

Like the setting in the core rulebook and the previous expansion, Terrible Beauty offers up just the right amount of setting. By this I mean for those that don’t have the time or inclination to build a fantasy/horror world from scratch, there is enough here to get them through any adventure they either purchase or create. For those that do want to build their own world, what is offered up can easily be pulled out and rearranged to fit the world builders unique desires. The most important aspect of this offering for me is that there isn’t so much divulged that I feel daunted in even attempting it. I am a big fan of Forgotten Realms and Krynn but I don’t feel like I could ever know enough to do them justice.

Right now, I consider the core rulebook, Tombs of Desolation and Terrible Beauty must haves for this game. I am looking forward to whatever RJS writes next.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Terrible Beauty
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The Dragon Knight Class
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Bill H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/27/2016 11:20:11

This is a well written and complete additional PC class that I would present to my players in my next campaign. I found it balanced and rich in flavor. The subclass options do a great job of giving the player to pick from a "death from above" fighter, a whirling killer no one wants to stand near, or a defender that packs some surprising damage nobody was expecting.

I recommend any player and DM to not just pick a dragon color but to go ahead and build the chosen patron dragon out with a name, location, backstory and how this particular individual became his or her agent or servant.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dragon Knight Class
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Adventures on Dungeon Planet
Publisher: Chthonstone Games
by Bill H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/23/2015 14:20:05

I am glad I purchased this. After falling in love with Dungeon World, I picked up this supplement. At first glance, this is a well done science fiction adaption of the Dungeon World rules. In addition, it is a testament to the flexibility and adaptability of the Apocalypse World/Dungeon World core rule base. As I started to dig in, I realized the author referring to things like "Science Fantasy" instead of science fiction and was blown away when I realized that this is meant to be added on to Dungeon World. Although, there is enough here that you can play just with the material in this book, your games will be fuller and more enriched if you include it all. Most of my Science Fiction comes from Isaac Asimov and Piers Anthony and this fit right in. I had wonderful images of a robot, mutant, dwarven cleric and a human bard exploring a Byzanium mine on an alien world in search of The Eternal Gauntlet all while worried if they could get it before the violent sand storms on the surface buried their ship. The Game Master (GM) section on world building is rich in giving you ideas of strange new worlds to take the party too.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures on Dungeon Planet
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Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Bill H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/27/2015 09:54:16

With Wizards of the Coast only selling us campaigns at this time, we are left with companies like Goodman Games for modules and that is just fine because they have done an excellent job.

Glitterdoom has it all, an engaging backstory, a useful hook, new monsters, traps and magic items and more. This module could be run from hook to end boss in a long game night or better over two sessions.

The bulk of a module such as this are the area descriptions. They are well labeled and described. The italicized for-the-players section is right-sized and descriptive. The for-the-DM section is also right-sized and contains everything you need to know to run this module.

Black and white drawings are placed throughout the book to give you a good amount of flavor of this dungeon crawl and its denizens. A full page map of the dungeon is at the end.

I had bought this one just to read but already digested it for running and have pitched my players the hook. We are going to the Knuckle on our next game night.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom
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