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Mutants & Marvels 2.0 $6.99
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Mutants & Marvels 2.0
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Mutants & Marvels 2.0
Publisher: Tom Doolan
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/19/2016 10:53:44

Mutants and Marvels 2.0 was designed and published by Tom Doolan of Wishful Gaming. The elevator pitch for MnM would to imagine if the FAERIP system that powers the classic Marvel Super Heroes system from TSR was crossbred with much of the D20 System, including Green Ronin's Mutants and Masterminds. However, I feel that Doolan's MnM really hues closer to the spirit of FASERIP and is much cleaner game than Mutants and Masterminds.

Character creation is point based, with different levels corresponding the the power level of the heroes you want to play.

Attributes are those from FASERIP: Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, and Psyche. Your attributes default to Typical or +0 and have Ranks ala FASERIP that correspond to modifiers ranging from -4 to +25. A handy chart shows you what each Rank means for every Attribute.

The Powers section goes into the different types, Power Packages, Power Stunts, and Power Sources and Character Origins.

Your Power Source and Character Origin determine where you got your powers and give you a bonus of some kind.

The Power List might appear short at first glance, but the powers have been created to allow you to sort out their special effects and to customize them. I felt all powers were covered in some way and I think it was the right amount of crunch for me (I "grew up" on Champions and use to love elaborate tools to build characters, MnM lets me get started and is easy to teach).

Skills are broad and improve your Rank in an Attribute.

Then your Identity, Resources, Reputation, Popularity/Infamy, Contacts, and Karma are covered. They are directly inspired by FASERIP, which I appreciate.

The mechanics themselves are 2d20 + Rank to roll higher than a Difficulty set by the Game Master or an opposed roll.

Combat in MnM has these steps:

  1. Check for Surprise.

  2. Roll Initiative 2d10 + Intuition.

And then Each Round:

  1. Attacks use Agility for Ranged, Fighting for Melee, or Psyche for Psychic and your roll has to exceed your opponents' appropriate Defense, which is Agility, Fighting, and Psyche + 10.

  2. If a character is hit, they make a Damage Save by rolling 2d10 + their Rank in Endurance vs a Difficulty equal to your opponents Rank in their Power or Strength + the amount they succeeded in hitting you. If you succeed you take no damage. If you fail, you take damage to your opponents' Difficulty number. You have six levels of Damage (Bruised, Injured, Stunned, Unconscious, Disabled, and Dying) with each level having "hit points" equal to your Ranks in Strength + Endurance. Damage is removed from your "hit points" and each level imposes a penalty.

At the beginning every turn that you are at Bruised, Injured, Stunned, or Unconscious) you make a Recovery Roll of 2d10 + Endurance Rank vs 10 + Your total Damage. A success means you gain hit points back equal to the amount you passed the roll by.

Combat rules cover multiple foes, knockback and slamming, minions and so forth. I feel the rules are straight forward yet robust.

Overall, I'm impressed with the rules and find it a great mix of FASERIP and more modern rules. For me its a better alternative to Mutants and Masterminds because I like the bell curve of 2d10 and I find Mutants and Masterminds lacks character.

I recommend this product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mutants & Marvels 2.0
Publisher: Tom Doolan
by Christopher C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/11/2015 16:52:27

I wrote a review of Mutants & Marvels 2.0 on my blog... It's a bit long for copying here so here is a link. Thanks for looking

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mutants & Marvels 2.0
Publisher: Tom Doolan
by Brian R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2015 21:04:13

I have always been a fan of the old MSHRPG roleplaying game. And still to this day, is perhaps one of my favorites. Now, Tom Doolan has come along to introduce to us, his variation, using the d20 rules. Which is something I have wanted to do for a while myself. This game comes in at only 45 pages.

(1) Character creation is simple, and based on "Ranks" instead of Dice. Applying those ranks between your Abilities and Powers. This game takes as much care to keep it looking very much like MSHRPG as much as possible. (2) The use of "Talents or Skills" is primarly what you might expect from MSHRPG, but only a few skills are listed that bare importance to being a super hero. And Skill resolution, is kept fast and loose so you can enjoy the action. (3) Damage in Mutants & Marvels , uses a Damage Tracker instead of a pool of points. And a damage save, to see if you do take damage. (4) Perhaps one of the best "gems" of the system, is the amount of options for using Experience to enhanced your character. There are at least 3 different systems, so each person can use what they prefer. Plus it comes with a lightly detailed campaign setting, and a starting adventure to help get things started. (5) Now the powers list is very small, not as expanded as I would wish. But it does handle the most important, and I think many can just make up their own powers quite easily. Since it keeps the old MSHRPG feel. (6) Still no Charisma ability. But, the changes made to Popularity are a much needed change I think.

The cover is not too bad, the product's print is clean and large so your not squinting or having to enlarge the pages to read them. Everything is kept concise and short, and assumes you already know a bit about the RPG games, such as MSHRPG, and D&D.. But i think a new comer, could wrap his head around these concepts with a few reads. Cause lets face it, even I prefer simple over complex. There's Not a lot of Art in the book. Ranks only go up to Unearthly, but it would probably be easy to expand this if GM's wanted to.

The best part, is it lives up to his statement. Taking an old game I love, and making it d20 compatible without being complex. So Thank you Tom Doolan, for coming along, and giving us this fine product. . This was the best $5 dollars I ever spent for a game. And this is sure to give me plenty of enjoyable hours to come!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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