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The Temple of Modren Free Preview

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The Temple of Modren Free Preview
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The Temple of Modren Free Preview
Publisher: Mechanical Muse
by Kevin R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/01/2014 19:54:09

What a fantastic introduction to the World of Aetaltis! This module has high production value and similar quality you would expect of a major publisher, rather than an indie game developer.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Temple of Modren Free Preview
Publisher: Mechanical Muse
by Jason H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/07/2014 13:05:40

Do you miss the nostalgia days of Gaming? Then you need to get in to the World of Aetaltis where The Temple of Modren resides. Simple and open ended gameplay are the watchwords of this Advetnure from both a Players and a DMs standpoint. There is no tedious flipping back and forth because the entry for something is not on a convenient page. Making the DMs life so much easier goes a long way to giving the Players a great time as it cuts down a lot on the "Wait..I need to find this page.." delays.

The Temple of Modren gives you a near perfect blend of traditional Fantasy Gaming mixed with just a few fascinating hints as to what the further world of Aetaltis might have to offer. It doesn't needlessly overburden a DM with mountains of extraneous details that simply won't come up on an Introductory Adventure. It does however fire the imaginations of everyone involved!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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