This is a great system IF you're wanting to run wide-open espionage games in the style of James Bond or Matt Bourne. If you're looking for more gritty stuff, Covert Ops doesn't really fit the bill. That's fine, of course, but players and GMs need to be aware of the differences.
I found these rules to be especially suited for a Mission: Impossible or Bourne style of game; something where there's a lot of very fluid action and a character's cover identity isn't intended to last more than a few seconds. If you're aiming for a game in the style of the movie Ronin or the like, you may have trouble making these rules work in a satisfactory way. I'm also not a fan of character archetypes of the sort used here, although they do make for fairly quick character creation and fit in well with a Mission: Impossible type of game. The "Bones" system for altering rolls and some game outcomes is quite useful...something that I think is needed in any modern system without magic.
In short - good game if you're looking for something fast-paced and fluid. Not so good if you're looking for something in the vein of the original Top Secret rules. It's also not as elegant as the James Bond RPG system, but a big step above Top Secret/SI.