This book is a clear example that Savage Worlds is slowly being invaded by sub-par products, like in the days of the d20 Era. It is an obvious attempt at capitalizing on the popular system of the hour, by bringing a low value product on the market at a rather high price.
The appearance of the book is uninspired to say the least. You will see a piece of stock art here and there, maybe about 15 pieces in this 80+ pages document.
The first part of the book - a full 20 pages - focus on creating creature templates, basically re-writing what has already been provided in the deluxe Savage Worlds Core book. Then comes the new hindrances and Edges. Hindrances hold onto 2-3 pages, and the Edges on about 4-5. This is the only part of the book I found interesting. The next section re-explains what the skills stand for and what other skills could be used to complement others. It also attempts to codify what can be done with each skill, when the said skills are left deliberately vague in the Savage Worlds Core book.
The idea of creating a complement to character creation, with new options, is a good one. However, the Ultimate Characters Guide by MTE lacks direction and, in its current format, has no purpose at my gaming table. It is, in my opinion, a pure cash grab.