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Dungeon Tiles - D01 - Altars

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Dungeon Tiles - D01 - Altars
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Dungeon Tiles - D01 - Altars
Publisher: RPG Ink
by Bruce L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/08/2016 14:03:13

Numerous types of altars, of many different types, and sizes, are included in this product. The only altar design I did not care for, were the multi-colored star types, but this is a very minor nit-pick. The altars are 2-D, but with a 3-D perspective. They are also overlaid with a light-gray square grid. I printed mine on a color laser printer, using copy paper. I then applied them to the glue side of some inexpensive, peel-n-stick, vinyl floor tiles. I then cut them out, to size. The vinyl floor tiles give them heft, and make them very durable. They are easy to throw down onto my tiles which I draw my dungeons out on, as well as my printed, 2-D dungeon tiles from Fat Dragon Games.

The variety of altars provided in the set allow for many options, as well as offering many different sizes of many of the altar types. There are altars which are suitable for many different fantasy gods' temples, as well as altars you might find in a wizard's laboratory, for summoning demons. There are also different sets of water fonts, as well as incense burners. Great set, lots of variety, and sizes. Highly recommended set for 2-D usage. Cheers!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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