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to clarify what this book is.
they put World of Darkness on the cover to increase sales, but it is a Source Book to Hunter the Vigil. this book is about making serial killers in Hunter the Vigil, and what cells, compact, and conspricacies have Slashers in their group.
this book is not for the feint of heart (any of the WoD/CofD books aren't frankly) as it dives deep into the pyschology and mindset of a serial killer. its very interesting and complex. from your typical masked murderers, to the charismatic killers with calling cards, and so on.
the reason this book is a source book for hunters, is that at some point, hunters go insane. they see horrors that only their group can understand, and what happens when their convictions are shattered? what if they start questioning humanity and start culling them to prevent vampires to feed on them? so many role playing possibilities.
as of this writing, you can only get this source book seperately, however, the 2nd edition of Hunter the Vigil will have this book, so if you want to wait, there you go, if you want to use this book for your Hunter game have at it!
a good source book to "update" hunter to the God-Machine Chronicles rules, plus how to hunt the newer monsters is a bonus. my only complaint, is that i wish there was a hardcover option. also the updated pdf character sheet comes from this book, just an FYI
TL;DR - a fun and awesome cyberpunk game while crunchy, is really good for roleplay and combat is deadly and fantastic setting that you can homebrew up. Net running is very weird and hard to run. homebrew Red Netrunning rules.
i bought this in the Humble Bundle that went on a couple of months back. read through this game and it is dated, as of this review, it is 2021 and the setting is in 2020. you can easily make it as an alternative timeline or add 10-20 years, some players even homebrew this into red and it's in 2045 or even 2077 (look at that!) i love sci-fi and cyberpunk is really cool and very punk rock.
the roles aren't like your traditional dnd classes, they're more or less your jobs in the world of cyberpunk. from rockerboys, to hired assassins and mercenaries Solos, to even roaming Nomads and media journalists. you'll find a role that'll fit any play style and game that you want to run. just one clarification that the book doesn't really do, is have a seperate section for Med Techs, as they're bunched in with the Tech sections. Cops/Lawmen and Solos are seperate so its something to be mindful of.
one of my favorite things about this system, is the Life Path system. you can easily make an in depth character and grow attached to your character really well! the answers are general statements so you can write however you want to make it your own. from how you grew up, wwhat happened to your family, are your parents still alive? what happened after the age 16 and what you're currently doing? did you make friends? did you made enemies? it covers all the bases and i enjoyed running character creation with my players.
Combat encourages that high octane action like the Matrix, John Wu, and other action packed movies. in dnd once you hit a certain level low level creatures are a joke. in cyberpunk, a switchblade can easily mess up your character and guns will ruin your life if you're not careful. there is a risk vs reward type style of combat, do you stand still to make the perfect shot? or do you run in dual wield uzis and hope you hit your target while dodging incoming fire? it's pretty detailed in covering explosives, and even drugs. roll for skill checks is interesting as it take your stat + skill and roll a d10 to determine your result, for guns depending on Rate of Fire you can roll up to 3 times depending on the gun, and damage, plus if you have cyberware to make your accuracy higher, it can get crunchy at time.
Cybernetics is interesting, it can be complex where you intentionally replace live meat for a cybernetic limb or vain as skin change changes or hair color changes, or iris color changes. the humanity system is really clever in that it is tide to your empathy stat, cyberpychosis is a real thing, which i tell my characters that if they do not have any humanity left, they can no longer play that character because they have lost their mental state and can no longer "function" properly.
one of my biggest (and many others) complaint is the Netrunning system, it's complex and clunky, and i could never get it to make it fun. netrunners in this game, don't really need to be with the party, which that can be an issue in of itself. most gms just make an npc netrunner to bypass this problem, or homebrew it. i recommend if you must have a netrunner, is to get the quickstart Cyberpunk Red rules or the core rule book on Netrunning, way more streamlined and fun for everyone. before you homebrew it, try to run it yourself, and see if you can make it work. essentially, for netrunning if i can make sense of it, it boils down to a game of Mine Sweeper and currency to spend in cyberspace, and you'll need a seperate graph paper to run this, which turns into a pizza break for everyone, except the gm and netrunner, and it can really slow the game down.
finally, Night City, the functional city that is in California and it's location is very lively and if you want to explore Night City further, get the sourcebook Night City and you're in for a treat! my campaign is primarily in Night City, and having information of where everything is handy. just the core book for night city has plenty of information to get you going.
overall, this game is a classic and fan favorite for a reason, while dated in technology, a lot of that can be homebrewed and it's just a great system. i HIGHLY recommend you pick this up if you're looking for a High Tech Low Life game while having style and being a punk. see you around choombas!
for the low low price of free, this is an awesome introduction to 7e Call of Cthulhu. i always recommend people who are interested in trying CoC is to download this free quickstart guide, also Alone Against the Flame is free, so if you don't have anyone to play with, but still want to try CoC, Alone Against the Flame is another quickstart game that i really enjoy.
this module runs great with 1-3 players, so it'll be fun for everyone! once you're serious about picking up this game, all you need is the Keeper Guide to make your own investigations while not going insane in the process.
first off, i love that this solo adventure is free on this site, it is offered in the Starter box set so it makes sense to have it free for all to try out Call of Cthulhu.
now, the adventure itself is a really great introduction to the game and the theme of Call of Cthulhu, it's set in 1920s and the mystery is really good.
it's written as a choose your own adventure style that you read yourself, or one suggestion is that you read it out loud to one player and tell the story that way too.
this module definitely requires you to have a character sheet and some dies to roll, because the first couple of sections it walks you through the character creation process akin to Oblivion, Morrowind if you played those games. it's done well and the skill checks are well placed as it really gives you an idea of what to roll, how to read the character sheet and understand the setting.
if you don't have a group to play the Quickstart adventure The Haunting and want to try out Call of Cthulhu this is a great way to try it out, and to give to friends who want to play it or you can and play with as well!
for the low low price of free, whats there to lose?
i bought both the PDF and Hardcover, so i will be primarily talking about the hardcover.
what can be said about Changeling the Lost that hasn't been said? well written? well told? one word i can definitely say is beautiful tradegy. this game, is really well told! the gaming sessions are fun yet when the drama hits, it hits, and my players walk away with a sense of wow, we all had a moment together.
Changeling is definitely one of those games, that if you really want a mature, adult theme game, while just happened to be a fey creature, outcoming tramua and ptsd, this is the game! on page 13 there is a content warning because this game allows for those kinds of topics to be discussed and explored, it also has a section which other games refers back to as well, the "Safe Table" system, and i don't mean that in a sacastic tone. its a system to protect the players first, while maintaining the adult themes of the game, though playing a game in any of the WoD/CofD games, it should be established, i digress. from something simple as allowing players to walk away from a scene if it gets too intense or fade to black, to setup a green, yellow, red system and debriefing after session. this game is really good and definitely has the World of Darkness feel.
the book is gorgeous! i love the thorns and the hedge themes in the pages, again placement of information is a constant problem, but it's par for the course when it comes to that.
of all the reimagining, in my opinion, THIS is the game to play. definitely worth playing as your first Chronicles of Darkness game.
i bought the PDF and Hardcover, i will be primarily reviewing the hardcover.
Mage is one of those games, that i can get out of hand in a great way, and epic at most. other is utter failure and disaster due to rules of the game.
personally, the artwork leaves something to be desire, there are some really good ones, and some meh artwork. but that's mostly subjective. the game itself is really fun, discovery of magic in the city we're in, preventing the mages to perform act of hubris and create paradoxes. it is really a great time!
i feel like a broken record, but again, the placement of the information is confusing! rotes, and other information is either lost, easily missed, or not labelled properly, at times it gets annoying at worse it is frustrating! again, if you have the pdf CTRL+F is your best friend.
overall, this is a super fun game! this is the final of the big three and i love all three!
i bought both the PDF and Hardcover, so i'll primarily reviewing the hardcover.
this is a game about werewolves, fighting spirits, and family. i really love the themes that are presented in this game! firstly i LOVE LOVE LOVE the artwork! i think this is a toss up between Vampire the Requiem and this book in terms of amazing artwork.
the game itself is very fun! i love the mechanics of fighting the urge to not give into the werewolf rage and the hunt. also when the player does fail, they lose control and reap the consquences of that rage. it reminds them that they need to be smart and not let their triggers get to them.
my main complaint, and this is a constant problem, is finding information in the book. it's pretty confusing on explaining werewolves, the death rage triggers, rites, and so on. it isn't very clear, and when you do read it, the section is in a weird part of the page, where you could have easily missed, or the appendix doesn't give you what you need on what page a certain information is. this complaint is with the book, with the PDF you can always Ctrl+F and look for the keywords.
overall very fun game, and it's one of the main three of the CofD/WoD lines, if nothing else, the artwork is amazing!
bought this book day one, and i have read through it 2-3 times since i have gotten the PDF, i won't be talking about the hardcover, because as of writing this review, i haven't gotten my copy yet.
i'm sure i am not the only one who are running Crossover games, so majority of us have homebrewed rules to run things games, with some success and failure.
this book is a solution to give you rules and setting on running a crossover game to have it makes sense, and have a bigger evil for all to attempt to combat or survive. the Contagion is ambiguous in how it was created, whether it was a virus created by the God-Machine a little too well thus infecting the God-Machine, or you can make a super flu that has a 99.7% mortality rate specifically infecting supernaturals by making their touchstones forget them, human blood burns them, really whatever makes sense for your setting. based on this premise of a super virus gives me Stephen King's The Stand vibes. it gives you two major factions and sub sections of the factions, the Sworn are those who try to contain the Contagion, while the False wants to use it for any means. there are some interesting sections and vector powers, which is basically powers that every supernatural and mortals can use, giving specific abilities based on what you are playing.
now the big question is, do you need this book to have crossover games? simple answer.... yes and no.
yes because it gives you rules, setting, and a big unknown baddy that all supernaturals and mortals to come together to work alongside eachother and combat it. however, if you have a homebrew rule setting that makes your chronicle work, then this book isn't for you. however, it does have rules that you do not need the Contagion itself, it can be something else, and it'll fit your chronicle. really, it is a conpendum/supplemental book, much like Hurt Locker, however, it will add to your world, and like i said, if you don't get it because you have a homebrew rule that works, thats fine. if you do get it, it is a good read, and gives you great ideas on how to incorporate the Contagion and the Sworn and False into your setting.
i'll end this by saying, this is primarily for Storytellers, players do not need this book. players just need their character specific book, so if you want to play a Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Geist, etc. get the specific book, jump in and play in this setting/rules.
Hurt Locker is one of those, if you need it has amazing information! if you don't, you'll be fine without it.
its well written and expanse on CofD base corebook, with more merits, and tilts and conditions for violence and trauma. it also has ways to not kill your player's character's, but they have a permenant pain or something of the sort. its pretty good.
like i said, an amazing book to expanse on Base CofD, but it isn't neccessary.
I purchased both the PDF and Hardcover books, so i will review the physical book, as my complaint is from that.
what can be said about Vampire? it is the flagship of CWoD with Vampire: The Masquarade, this is a reimagining of VtM, and to me, i love reading this book! the lore, the mystery of the clans and history of the covens and how to work them into the real world, which i greatly appreicate.
the theme of Requiem is living amongst humanity and battling your constant addiction to feed, while dealing with drama of your coven, explore themes of political intrigue, cloak and dagger type stories, or infighting amongst Kindred. it's very cool.
i love the setting and story hooks it provides, and if you want to explore Requiem more, the supplemental books are very good reads on their own, and if your players wants to explore further their clan, they can develop their character even more, or create some interesting npcs as well.
my main complaint is the placement/format of the information on the book, but on the PDF that kind of fixes the problem with the CTRL+F function. for me, i prefer the physical print, because it'll be much easier to have the book there so you can open up for the information, and it's confusing to find the information you need to get or know.
the book it self is amazing! like, the art itself is beautiful! well made, and very fitting of the setting the book is set in. the maroon and different shades of red the cover invokes fits.
if you want to play vampires i highly recommend it! if you want to play mortals you can play Chronicles of Darkness, and create a vampire anatgonist, so there are a lot of options to make a fun game!
having the Hardcover for a year now, and recently gotten the PDF file, I will be reviewing the physical copy, which can be carried over to the PDF.
the hardcover is really great quality, I love the colors to fit the theme of the dark and bleak world of world of darkness (CofD). it gives your rules to make ordinary humans living in the World of Darkness setting and see if they will survive it and not go insane in the process.
my players love the system, and for me as a storyteller, the d10 system makes it much easier to limit dies and it is not super number crunch like DnD/Pathfinder which is where I came from.
I love the art and extra materials in the book, if you get the Chronicles of Darkness book, it comes with a section that has the God-Machine Chronicle setting and rules to play in that setting. it is optional but it is nice to have the option to play that setting. character creation is seamless! I guided my players through the creation process, and while they were confused about certain things, when I guided the creation, it was a ooooh! moment, where it all came together and the longest it took with one player is roughly 1.5 hour, the shortest was 30 minutes. as a storyteller, I really appreciate this, as it does not take forever like DnD/Pathfinder (especially pathfinder! takes about 2 hours to make a character).
my complaint, which is a common problem which most of the Onyx Path/White Wolf books, finding the information I need or formatting of the book to find the information you need. this may not be a problem for the PDF as you can Cntl+F what you're looking for, but I bought the book so I can have it as a quick access rather than pull it up on my phone, tablet, or laptop. this is more of a table practice, but the less distractions on the table, the more immersive the players will be. again, this is just one complaint, one that can be fixed with the PDF.
overall game play is really fun! while Chronicles of Darkness is the "core rulebook" as of this writing, most of the major books, Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage are in their 2nd edition which you do not need CofD base to run those games, but they carry over well with each other. the awesome thing about the CofD/NWoD setting is all of the NWoD books connect well, so in theory you could have a sandbox city where Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, live in the city and have a cell of Hunters as well.
I highly recommend this book as a great starter game, see if you want to explore the CofD setting and rules, if you and your group enjoys the setting, then you can introduce Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Forsaken, and Mage the Awakening.