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Double Cross Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook $15.99
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Double Cross Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
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Double Cross Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Publisher: Ver. Blue Amusement
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/17/2017 22:47:20

If you plan to have a sandbox like game where the PCs go from place to place just making and telling stories of their own, then this isn't the game you're looking for. While the game does offer a lot to go off of, it is heavily relient on the GM Railroading much of the campaign. All the way down to expecting you to have an NPC that basically drives the plot forward.

Not just that but, the fact that the PCs have to constantly watch the progression of their virus or else die can detract from the game. Especially since using your powers is detrimental to you, as that can increase the progression of the virus which will then kill your character. Sure, you can burn realtionships to push the progress back, but you don't normally have time to befriend every NPC you meet in hopes of not dying by the end of the session. Yes, session as at the end of each you need to check your progression as if it got to high, you die.

You also can't really build the character you want, as the game expects you to have powers that combo into each other. So if you get powers that don't combo, prepare to be dealing minimum damage pretty much all time, while still taking that penalty that increases your virus progresss.

This game does have it's good points though. The setting is very well thought out (even though it can boil down to X-Men mixed with Prototype), the powers are all interesting and cool in their own ways, and it does a good job of giving the idea that the virus is an active one. Plus, if your group likes planned adventures and sticking to an already established narrative/storyline, then this game can deliever on that.

TL:DR: If you like sandbox RPGs, don't by this. If you like Railroaded RPGs, then buy this.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Double Cross Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Publisher: Ver. Blue Amusement
by Michael N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/11/2015 16:47:39

I bought double cross 2 weeks ago and introduced it to my D&D group. Needless to say they loved it. Great buy, great characters the book has set-up, and great world the game has given to our group. 10/10 must buy, my only concern is that there are very few book to this tabletop. I hope they release more in the future. :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Double Cross Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Publisher: Ver. Blue Amusement
by Lloyd R. I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2014 23:54:01

The game seems incoherent and vapid at the best of times. The game is a list of powers, a bunch of predictable rule structures, and nothing really new under the sun, if you understand that games with problematic power gain have existed for at least since Wraith: the Oblivion. I'm sure there are people who would like this game and call it cool. I do not like this game and think it's dim witted and without redeeming qualities. At least it is not overtly offensive.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Double Cross Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Publisher: Ver. Blue Amusement
by Ryan M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2014 12:54:48

I've always been curious about Japanese tabletop RPGs, so I grabbed their previous offering, Tenra Bansho Zero. I wasn't sold on that one, as it seemed kind of scattershot and unfocused, and I was disappointed. But Double Cross is everything I was hoping for. It's got good mechanics that I haven't seen a million times before. It's got a great combination of minimalist design and complexity. It's designed to be played quickly (3-4 hours per adventure) and its setting is well defined. Worth a look if you're looking for an anime style RPG.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Double Cross Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Publisher: Ver. Blue Amusement
by Bo B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/01/2014 08:06:09

I had never heard of this game before, but I picked it up on a recommendation from a friend and I absolutely love it. It's incredibly thematic and seems basically mechanically sound to me - there's a degree of system mastery involved, but it doesn't seem very hard for me to wrap my head around. If you like the sound of the setting / ideas involved, and you don't mind anime themes being involved, I would heartily recommend this.

The clean pdf looks good, and while I have some editing issues with it (mostly typos, no page xx that I've seen), it's nothing too big to overlook. Great game, and I really hope they decide to bring over some of the settings.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Double Cross Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Publisher: Ver. Blue Amusement
by Jason B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/30/2014 22:25:55


If you like super heroics? BUY THIS NOW. If you like 'dark conspiracy'? BUY THIS NOW.

This game is one of the BIG ones from Japan - they have entire conventions where this is the only game run.

Well edited, but as it is translated from the japanese, it will take a bit of extra work to 'get' than other similar games.

Also, Ver. Blue is constantly looking to improve the DX material, and has a Google+ circle for discussion or questions:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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