CryptWorld is really the spiritual 2nd edition to the pacesetter game called “Chill adventures into unknown”. This 96 ‘page book is surprisingly comprehensive and complete, with 29 or so monsters and 15 animals, a dozen paranormal talents for player characters, clear rules for fear, information for car/vehicle chases and a fairly comprehensive skill list. My overall impression is that the rules are a little tighter than in the original making it a smother for a CM, (referee). For example I particularly like the simple range modifier rules for weapons.
In a slight change of style, some skills like Art criticism, hypnotism and psychiatry are missing from the skill list making the overall feel a bit less gothic and a bit more modern slasher movie. These skills however would be easy to add back in. The almost complete lack of historical material and equipment such as mentioning popular songs, films, events and relevant inventions and prices from a particular time period means that the game rather has to be focused in the here and now, which is fine but there’s nothing like a good 1800’s 1920s gothic horror in my opinion.
CryptWorld maintains the same action table and simple percentage system that made the original popular.
The 100% compatibility with Rot world RPG and in particular Majus RPG, (both of which are also from Goblinoid games) actually means that there is already quite a bit of new to CryptWorld supplementary material out there, which can be easily shoed in to any CW campaign.
This is an excellent game and well worth the purchase price for both the PDF and dead tree formats.