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Cat (Revised & Expanded)
Publisher: John Wick Presents
by ash d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2014 20:07:08

Great concept, but...

I've been playing this occasionally with friends, and the idea is brilliant - playing as cats (with every stereotype from moggy to inbred pedigree) is brilliant fun. The problem is... Well, the rules kinda suck.

They just about hold together for general gameplay, but you quickly hit situations that make the rules seem unfinished - you can spend magic points, but there's no mention of how you recover them. You can give other characters traits as rewards, but can't gain them otherwise, and so on - there's a few typos as well. If this was a first draft, it'd be understandable, but billing it as 'revised' when there are both rules and basic formatting errors is a bit off.

The setting is great, and I'd love to give the author money for an Actually Really Revised edition, but as it stands you'd be better off nicking the campaign idea and using a rules-light generic system like Fate Accelerated.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Cat (Revised & Expanded)
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The Fae - A Dungeon World Playbook
Publisher: Adrian Thoen
by ash d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2014 19:57:03

Been using this playbook as my main DW character for a few months now, and it's really fun, does a great job of getting the whole 'twisty words that are technically true' feel of classic fey.

Some of the higher-level moves feel a touch lacking, but in general I'd really recommend this.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Fae - A Dungeon World Playbook
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Fate+Fiction: Black Dreams and Other Bad Juju (Fate RPG)
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by ash d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2014 19:51:52

Got this as part of the free rpg promotion. The first thing that came to mind is that the fiction parts of this are just BAD. Like, worse than airport trash novels bad. All those lovely 'mystical black woman' tropes are present in force.

Beyond that, though: I think the whole concept is flawed. The idea seems to be that you're given a short story, and a few select quotes are pulled from it as aspects. 'Jenny never liked the Walbergs', that sort of thing. The problem is that the authors don't acknowledge the differences between RPGs (creating a story with a group) and novels (one person telling a story).

There was no real discussion on why the aspects were chosen, and how to weave them into a game. It's a shame, because I really want to like the concept, but all this has done for me is to emphasise how different fiction and RPGs are.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fate+Fiction: Black Dreams and Other Bad Juju (Fate RPG)
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