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Fate+Fiction: Black Dreams and Other Bad Juju (Fate RPG)

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Fate+Fiction: Black Dreams and Other Bad Juju (Fate RPG)
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Fate+Fiction: Black Dreams and Other Bad Juju (Fate RPG)
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by ash d. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2014 19:51:52

Got this as part of the free rpg promotion. The first thing that came to mind is that the fiction parts of this are just BAD. Like, worse than airport trash novels bad. All those lovely 'mystical black woman' tropes are present in force.

Beyond that, though: I think the whole concept is flawed. The idea seems to be that you're given a short story, and a few select quotes are pulled from it as aspects. 'Jenny never liked the Walbergs', that sort of thing. The problem is that the authors don't acknowledge the differences between RPGs (creating a story with a group) and novels (one person telling a story).

There was no real discussion on why the aspects were chosen, and how to weave them into a game. It's a shame, because I really want to like the concept, but all this has done for me is to emphasise how different fiction and RPGs are.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fate+Fiction: Black Dreams and Other Bad Juju (Fate RPG)
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Seth C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/19/2014 16:00:49

Black Dreams and Other Bad Juju is the second installation of the FATE+Fiction line. It’s a PWYW product that includes 5 original short stories, each with a breakdown of suggested situation aspects, character aspects, consequences, and boosts. The stories come in separate files, about 5 pages long apiece, with the last page being taken up by the OGL.

Each story is about 1,000 words and they’re all character or setting pieces. There’s not a whole lot of plot to these - they’re mainly setting the stage, conflict, and characters. But that’s also sort of the point - to give you enough to spark your creativity.

A Flock of Cranes is the first story, and potentially the weakest. The setting was a little vague, there was only 1 aspect that got me excited, and there were some awkward sentences. That said, the ending was good enough that it got me interested in putting this into play.

All In is a story about some type of supernatural hunters sitting down to play poker. There’s a lot of passive voice in this story, but it’s interesting enough to get me excited. The aspects weren’t bad and there were good suggestions for consequences, but I wish they would have gone farther. Problems with the law are all well and good, but this story screams at me to hurt the PCs friends and family.

Bad Juju is a great cyberpunk vs. voodoo story. It’s loaded with flavor, has some actual action, and gets me excited about playing. There’s some French in there that they don’t translate and some colloquialisms that I had a little trouble following, but that actually seemed to enhance the setting for me. There’s some wacky punctuation in places, but that’s pretty secondary to me. The aspects were a little verbose (but ok), the consequences were good, and there was an interesting take on a boost.

For me, Black Dreams was a different kind of story than the others. Rather than dealing with a conflict, it deals with the consequences. I’d love to play in a game that explored this style of play, but I know I’d struggle with running one. Regardless, I found it a fascinating choice to include and it really kind of broke out of the box. There’s some profanity in this one, if that kind of thing offends you.

The last story, Call Me Ishmael, is a religious/supernatural story about the struggle of good and evil. I enjoyed the story and the deconstruction was pretty good. Again, I’d like to see the consequences taken a little further. Possession is an obvious consequence, which was overlooked. But I think some type of supernatural judgment is potentially implied and would have been in interesting addition.

I liked these stories and I really dig the idea behind this product. It does what it sets out to do - it gives me fodder for my imagination and gets me thinking about games. It’s equally useful for both players and GMs, since it includes story ideas and aspects both can use. It’s PWYW, so it’s absolutely worth it to download these.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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