So many good ideas and inspiring texts, a really interesting (and horrifying) addition to the 9th world.
Interesting tools-suggestions-something in a too large package, usless for actual gaming and the tools needs to be tweaked and snaity checked (and errata corrected) to be useful.
So, do not buy but look at it if someone gifts it to you.
This may be one of the largest cons in the gaming world, and it just goes on and on.
Simplistic plot, flat characters, cartoonish crayonlike drawing style ...
It just ... mediocre
Interesting concept that binds the Paladin closer to the gods they are supposed to serve, and not just the Oath.
However, someone better versed in rules should take a look, as I imagine the system and abilities used could lead to severe balance issues.
And the layout is ... lacking.
Everything about this game feels like a half measure, ideas and concept sounds promising, but are not followed through. The layout is ... simple, with sometimes annoying results.
If this was edited and layouted by a proffesional it would be a quarter or something in page count. Awful lot of empty space it is ...
The system is quite vague, with a lot of hand waving, except when it is not and then it is clunky complex backward detailed ...
The resurrection should have included some more attention to the "hardware", the lacking thereof is sad, because the setting is charming and interesting.
Reading this ... product, is as fun as reading your own college notes twenty years later, interesting, but not something you want to do for a long stretch of time.
And these 3D-Poser-model illustrations mostly feels awkward and ... sloppy ...
A very ... frugal product, may save you five or so minutes of googling to find material of the same or WASTLY better quality.
Maps of Yorkshire and England 1066
(Google English heritage sites instead for more and better material)
Plans of an abbey, castle, town and church
Plans and drawings of town, village and manor houses
Barrow plans
(Dyson Logos produces better better, more gorgeous maps for a FREE, but support his Patreon instead)
2 Poetic manor maps
(These two are the only thing worth notice herein)
6 vilage maps
(These are a pure insult, 5 min with their own icons and a newbie knowledge of paint produced these)
If these where a free addition I would perhaps see a value in downloading these, or as a way to support the designers ... but PWYW or Patreon exists for that kind of things ...
Good ideas, perhaps not so good execution. I'm not an expert in balance and technicalities of the 5e, but the powers of the archetypes feels like a mix of overpowered and abuseable.
In the area of thematic, there is several odd choices for the expression of the archetypes. Some of the archetypes are a grab bag of awesome things, lacking in cohesion, others are stacks of meh, making the archetype fail to gather the interest.
I would recommend to send this back to the drawing board and give it a redesign in multiple areas.
Was very dissapointed by this product. it is a very sloppy cut n' paste/search n' replace hack of the 3.5/Pathfinder SRD. The translation to 5e is really just above the minimum neccessary and lack any imaginative use of the 5e system.
This product need a total rework to be concidered worth the money. Just to mention the most (to me) glaring problem, the graininess. A Feat in 3.5 etc is usually one or sometimes two per level, in 5e it is one per fourth (about) and REPLACE a stat increase. It shouldn't be just a little fnutty plus in something, it should be a major flavour choice of the character! Not all Feats in 5e manage that, it is true, but this product fails it constantly...
Should have seen the signs, because they are written all over the wall, but my Feat-hunger got me into a buying frenzy.
Designers should really try to break out of the 3.5 mindset for the 5e, actually the freeform of the OSR is a better source of ideas currently.
Bha! A couple of pages of statblocks, with a handful of sentences of general flavour.
The major part is some musings down memory lane, and those are just a paragraph or two on top of a couple of pages.
Had I bought it insteadof got it in a bundle I would have returned it.
Only a very inexperienced GM could feel that they had something to gain from this product as there is nothing new or unique enough to inspire, just saving the work of creating the statblock.
This was a mistake on my behalf to buy. I should have read the description and looked at the pictures a bit more. I thought of using this to use as damage cards but it is just a description of how the hit happens. Nice for adding colour to a combat, true. But really not worth the price. Not at least for me.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you Mikael for taking the time to order our cards and write a review. Yes, as we mention in the description, our cards are for adding epic descriptions to the various blows and clashes of combat. Fun, colorful descriptions that help everyone to better visualize the battle, and flesh out the combat environment.
My sincerest apologies if something in our product description lead you to believe that there was some sort of \"damage\" or numerical crunch table. No, in fact the cards are system neutral, meaning they work great for drawing you in to the gritty exciting reality of any combat.
I\'m sad to hear that you don\'t think it was worth $9.99. However I know that our product is not for everyone. Please allow me to refund your purchase with our deepest gratitude for trying it, and our hopes that you\'ll give us a shot in the future with other products that may be more to your liking.
Thanks again,
Mark M. Scott |
This is a real gold nugget! The lifepath system to generate characters from the BtW (fast and rich) is here expanded to create a whole campaign. The creation process is kept as short and focused and with simple and inspiring tools and mechanisms for the GM to expand and run with the players ideas.
These small products gives me more ideas and inspiration than hundred of pages from other companies!
The rules are in the spirit of light OSR but is a piece of cake to transform into any rulessystem.
This is in the same series as the excellent Armour and Feat cards, but for some reason this hasn't the Fillable PDF feature as those.
This makes them a bit less useful as you need quite a neat handwriting to fill in the details...
Creator Reply: |
We have fixed this error. Thank you for letting us know that there was an error.
This is a good idea, but the execution is a bit sloppy. The progression chart is missing the XP for each level (just a zero, come on, didn't you even look at it before publication) and the licence is taking 1.5 page, most products are able to put it on one page, or at least put something on the empty half-page.
Further the cover looks grainy and need some love to not put you off before even beginning to read the product.
Creator Reply: |
Major slip up, on our part Mikael! The XP chart has been corrected. |
Very light-weight in content and lazy layout (lot of empty space). Great idea, but hardly passable execution. There are other that delivered much more and better content on the same KS budget.
This is rated in my book as a KS that just barely cleared the failed mark.
This is a very minimalistic product, actually it is just a collection of keywords spread out on a couple of pages. When I buy things I want something thats either is an inspiration or a effort I'm not able of, this is neither.
If there was more layout or some unique ideas this would have been worth the quarter I spent, but as is ... Not.