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Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer $9.00 $4.00
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Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer
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Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer
Publisher: Moon Toad Publishing
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/09/2018 13:53:18

This is a great ship, well designed and documented. My players love it, I gave them a choice of several ships - they did their research and chose this one.

I cannot recommend this book enough - keep doing ship books like this please ;)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer
Publisher: Moon Toad Publishing
by Daniel C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/21/2015 14:50:07

I really enjoy the products from this publisher, but this one is my favorite so far. I loved the design and the history/background given. I could see me using this in game as either the PCs ship or a ship that shows up often.

Well done in both art and writing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer
Publisher: Moon Toad Publishing
by David T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2015 17:11:19

This is the perfect travellers ship, with Jump 3 and Manoeuvre 4 you can go anywhere quickly and at 300 tons it is not too pricy. I suspect this is also used as the yacht of choice by the sub-sector nobility and mega-corp executives that need to get places fast (or at least a lot faster than the Type Y).

The book is rich in detail, with beautiful colour illustrations, deckplans and exterior views of several ships. There are also b&w and blue deckplans and 3 sample spaceship record cards.

Amazing high quality product that I can't fault with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer
Publisher: Moon Toad Publishing
by paul h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2015 18:15:56

I know the thread's about a year old, but I just recently picked this up from DTRPG and I gotta say it's how ship books should be (more on that later). As with the other source books I've purchased from Moon Toad publishing it has a very high level of production, the graphics are crisp and there's even (gasp!) color! I know it's not practical to always publish in color, but damn, all eBooks need to be designed and sold with at least SOME full color illustrations in them.

I pretty much liked the entire book. I thought that there could have been a tad more on the descriptions, but I'm a detail oriented kind of guy and I think it makes a lot of sense to NOT think about space when making a pdf document. They don't charge you by the byte.

The design is well thought out. First where there is a turret that shoots things other than beams it has a magazine. You'd be surprised by how many designs don't take that into account. They just pop something down on paper and they are done. There are multiple airlocks where you might expect them to be, PLUS they have listed vac suit storage right next to them. Another shocker when it comes to deck plans!

I really liked the extra illustrations, showing the ship in port, or flying. It gives a lot more life to the idea that ships aren't always on their own. In one image there's even a venerable scout/courier on a nearby landing pad.

Overall I thought the production quality was very high. I found a couple of minor blueprint errors, but nothing that you couldn't easily overlook. I did find the design somewhat odd. From an efficiency design view it seems to make more sense (to me at least) to move the launch and cargo deck from mid-deck to the lower deck, and swap the engines up to the 2nd level. It makes the design cleaner as well as offering the ability to have the launch dock from the front, or have some sort of through cargo deck much like a type-R merchant has. That's a personal preference, and after seeing so many sci-fi ship designs there are going to be ones that look cool but don't necessarily follow through on things like that.

In regards to my earlier comment about "it's how ship books should be" - I think if you combined more of the background/operations aspects that MJD has written in the new Referee aid's you have a killer combination. Moon Toad's graphics are FAR superior to anything I've seen yet from MGT, and I have harped on the low-res versions of deck plans and imagery in these series from MGT. I would happily pay the extra few dollars it would cost to have better artwork and clearer deck plans.

At $6ish USD the book is fairly priced and, I think very much worth the money.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer
Publisher: Moon Toad Publishing
by Steven P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/08/2014 16:37:13

I've been searching for a ship to replace my party's creaking Far Trader - what an excellent package this turns out to be. For the money (under a fiver, UK-stylee), you get three full ship variants, two small craft variants, full and logical deck plans, and even illustrations and NPCs. Moon Toad and the writers - Eric Lyon-Taylor and Ian Stead - have done a fantastic job of putting all this together, and their effort has to be applauded. If I have one or two small quibbles (first with the proof-reading, and second with the fact that nobody ever puts a toilet in the medical bay :D) they certainly don't detract from the overall experience.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for a great review, apologies for not putting a loo in medbay. Next vessel that has a medbay will have one :O)
Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer
Publisher: Moon Toad Publishing
by Michael S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2014 08:43:46

This ship is perfect for a group of adventuring players, more room than the many 100 dTon designs that feel like standard player ships. Easy to customize too, the two cargo holds can easily be modded into whatever the owner(s) want, as seen in the example ships.

Six staterooms means lots of space for larger player groups and/or passengers in good comfort.

The ship also comes with an air/raft and a 30 ton boat, so the travel options for adventurers is limitless! (Both can of course be left at home when more cargo space is required)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ship Book:Lune Class Freelancer
Publisher: Moon Toad Publishing
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/27/2014 12:49:22

Here is presented a nice neat vessel that seems custom-designed for a group of player-characters roaming the black in search of adventure.

The Lune Class Freelancer is indeed designed for small groups of people for whom mobility is important. It's Jump 3 and has a small amount of cargo space; probably better as a courier than as a trader.

What is rather nice is a selection of 'well-known' vessels of this class, complete with illustration (showing the external colourscheme - mostly very colourful) and brief description of what that particular ship's owners have done with it - one's a casino, with the cargo bay tricked out for gaming, another belongs to a pirate band and has a 'breaching airlock' fitted, several have been converted to troop carrying and so on. Several of these variants feature in the collection of 'starship record sheets' provided at the end of the work.

There's also a nice guided tour, a verbal discription of what you'd see were someone to show you round a Lune Class. That gives a nice feel for the ship, and can be used in conjunction with the deckplans to describe it to the party.

After several external views and the deckplans, also a nice picture of one sitting on the ground at a starport, there's a complete rundown of the history and current crew of the Lune Star, as an example of one in service. More deckplans - including several of the common variant configurations - and even full details of the standard launch (and variants) make this a complete introduction to a very useful starship.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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