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Dungeon World Playbooks: Fate of the World [Bundle] $4.00
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Dungeon World Playbooks: Fate of the World [Bundle]
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Dungeon World Playbooks: Fate of the World [Bundle]
Publisher: Pleb Publishing
by Samuel T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/23/2019 23:21:35

As others have said, there are a lot of good ideas, but middling execution. Generally the playbooks feel a bit messy, both in terms of editing and mechanics. Many moves just give bonuses, some moves are a bit overpowered, some moves are a bit too busy or complex.

Fated Hero: Dwarf starting options are pretty boring, Signature Move seems quite overpowered, Heart of a Hero feels a bit tedious, Prophecy is interesting though pretty similar to the Paladin's quest.

Fateless Hero: A lot of moves that steer you into the roleplaying but don't let you DO all that much.

Mentor: Probably the best of the bunch. Should work with minimal hacking (unless you build your character very specifically, your stats are all in the toilet. Come on, I've already only got a d4 damage dice). Some of the moves are quite powerful, allowing you to level up with Wizard or Cleric spells in addition to leveling up, or getting free magic items based on places you've previously been.

Prophet: Primarily based around a new "currency" called "Revelation Rating," which can (basically) be substituted for the stat in a lot of rolls. I find it to be a bit over-busy with a lot of cross referencing required.

Sidekick: Partners/links your character with another in the party. Some fun ideas and good opportunities for roleplaying. Some moves let you combine rolls, others let you protect the hero, etc. Might have been interesting to try to tease out some ideas about Samwise being the true heart of the Fellowship, etc. but mostly it's about being able to double-up on rolls and use +BOND for more things.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Dungeon World Playbooks: Fate of the World [Bundle]
Publisher: Pleb Publishing
by Mike S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2015 14:34:42

I wanted to like this bundle, so I took a risk on it. The concepts sounded pretty cool, especially the Mentor. But what I got was a collection of classes that are way too heavily dependent on roll modifiers. The number of "+1 forward", "+3 to WIS Defy Danger rolls", "+2 armor" moves in here is not to my liking. The moves have names that imply something thematic, but instead of having cool fictional effects we get mechanics instead. It's just not very *World.

Here's a couple examples: the Fateless Hero has an advanced move (lvl2+) that just gives straight up +2 armor. Really? He has a basic move that, in exchange for a negative trait, he gets a straight +1 to either Discern Realities or Spout Lore. I'm not a fan. Similarly, the Fated Hero has a basic move that is just flat-out better than Hack and Slash (with the restriction that you can only use it on Notable Enemies). You can deal double damage (or a list of other powerful choices) even on a 7-9, and it doesn't provoke a counter attack like H&S would. That's crazy.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Dungeon World Playbooks: Fate of the World [Bundle]
Publisher: Pleb Publishing
by Raul F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2014 04:49:12

It deserves the three stars for its concepts alone, but the wording on the moves feels clunky and messy. I don't regret acquiring the material, but I feel I'll have to work on it before using them in actual play. It's like there's a gap between concept and execution.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Agreed. Just updated them to try and help with them a bit, mostly in the Fated/Fateless Hero department.
At the time of it\'s first release you are not wrong. Since then I\'ve gone back and updated the files and given the classes a much needed overhaul and added a new one. You should give the new ones a look over and let me know what you think. Thanks for taking the time to give the product a review anyways. I appreciate the feedback regardless. -Jordan
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