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Scarlet Heroes Quickstart
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Scarlet Heroes Quickstart
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Scarlet Heroes Quickstart
Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing
by James A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/19/2016 11:03:33

I'm quite happy with this quickstart guide, and I will most likely end up purchasing the full rulebook to continue playing.

As a system, I feel that Scarlet Heroes is great for what it's advertised: a 1v1, PC vs. GM adventure. It's simple enough to play quickly and easily (even if you don't have much experience with a D&D style system), and I can see how it would be easy to convert other D20-based content to Scarlet Heroes. It really mitigates the hazards of party-of-one combat, which can make the game easier for an inexperienced (or lazy) GM. I'm not super-excited about the built-in theme and world building, but that's personal taste, and it's easy to swap out for a different setting.

As a quickstart guide, it's very polished. Creating a character took just 20 minutes, and the included dungeon crawl, while very basic, should give you a chance to try out all the included mechanics. All the mechanics introduced in the quickstart are intuitive (to me, at least) and none are awkward or clunky. Additionally, it includes a few tables to assist in dungeon building, which is a nice extra.

All in all, I would reccommend this free quickstart to anyone looking to create or convert a single-player-campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Scarlet Heroes Quickstart
Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing
by Daniel N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/27/2016 10:40:23

I'm running this rule set over AD&D when I play one on one with a friend. Really simple to impliment and very fun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Scarlet Heroes Quickstart
Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing
by Lorcano H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/12/2014 02:34:45

Nice little introduction. If you're into the genre it's a decent read. I liked it but it won't become a favorite. For me it's a 'dip in' system, and it provides that.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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