Has your normal GM suddenly cancelled out for the night's game? Are you a GM that has a few of your players missing for the night and
want to do a side trek for this weeks game? Perhaps you were extra busy this week and didn't get much prep time and need an quick idea for tonight's game? How about an introductory adventure to get the campaign going?
How many of you GM's out there have asked "Another town, how can I make this one exciting?" or "I need something to bring all the PC's together, to start my new campaign"
DwD's "Of Towns and Heroes" is your answer!
In this handy little supplement for BareBones Fantasy or any fantasy game is 100 ideas and plot hooks for a nights adventure or could be the start of
something bigger. You can roll a d100 or simply choose something you like. There are 10 detailed maps to go along these adventure hooks that you can plop anywhere in your campaign world.
Here is just a partial example to give you an idea of the goodies in this book. "As the heroes walk through town, a silhouette blots out the
sun. Everyone looks up to see a wyvern carrying a maiden in its claws fly by, heading towards a nearby mountain. A large key drops from the maiden and lands imbedded in the cobblestones by a hero. Dare they head into the mountains to face a wyvern and its foul master to save the maiden?......."
The book is designed to help out a GM with their adventures. You might get a one night sidetrek, a mini campaign, a new home town for your PC's or a full blown campaign out of this book. You certainly will get a fun adventure!
I highly recommend this gaming aid to all GM's out there!
Now if you will excuse me, I have a wyvern to kill and a beautiful maiden to rescue.....