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100 Welsh Names - Female

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100 Welsh Names - Female
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100 Welsh Names - Female
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 03/14/2014 12:56:28

A nice collection of just a few Welsh girl's names for anyone wanting a Celtic feel to their game (or if a contemporary game takes you into Wales).

Try not to get your tongue knotted... Welsh is in fact a phonetic language, it is just that Welsh phonetics are like nothing else! A quick guide - a single F comes out like a V, a double FF is like F in English... and Y is a vowel. LL is like the 'CH' in loch...

And just to give you a bonus: MY name (Megan) is Welsh, and my daughter's middle name is Angharad, another Welsh name.

My parents always said that they chose Megan because they were living in London at the time and wanted a Welsh name the English could pronounce!!!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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