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A nicely drawn map that can be used as intended, for Karak, or modified for use in another setting.
Although I am not a big fan of LotFP overall, I found BTAM to be well written, if gory, adventure. Despite the claims of many, the adventure is really just an "against the evil cult" plot line. The quasi-historical setting and the invading army as time pressure device are both interesting elements that help make the story feel a little different. The former may be unique but the latter has appeared before. The BDSM/torture porn aspect is a little heavy handed and overdone but that is pretty typical of LotFP.
So what are the good and bad points? In its favor, the adventure is well constructed and the production is good, with excellently drawn illustrations and maps. I plan on using it pretty much as written with the exception that I will be putting it in a more medieval fantasy setting. If you scratch the surface, it is easy to see the basic bones of the plot and that the Thirty Years War setting is just a frame that can be adjusted at will. Interestingly, many of the individual encounter areas, particularly The Infinite Tower and Goblin Hill can easily be removed and used by themselves in other places, making the adventure even more useful.
On the downside, if you aren't into the gimp/dominatrix vibe, it's a little hard to eliminate some of the content but certainly not impossible. Jumping into an orgy to get info is just one example, I also feel that, considering some of the supposed influences, the adventure is lacking in terror. There is nothing in here to terrify characters (things that go bump in the night) even if there is plenty to horrify them (severed body parts and bloody disemboweled corpses).
Final thoughts: Honestly, BTAM represents a huge amount of usable content for free (unless you want to pay). Just don't leave it lying around; some people just wouldn't understand.
Let me start by saying it's free! Download it for curiosity, if for nothing else. Check out the 1st level MU spell Summon. If you are feeling generous, download the full version for $5.
I won't go into a review of the mechanics of LotFP, as others have done that well enough, both here and elsewhere. As others have pointed out, it's basically a D&D B/X retro-clone. LotFP is well written and has nice production but is otherwise pretty standard. There isn't even anything particularly "weird" about it.
The areas that separate it from other RPGs are it's style and tone. The authors seem to have a greater than average preoccupation with sex and violence. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy both sex and violence in my RPGs, just not together or in such prevalence. LotFP feels more S&M/B&D than weird fantasy and if that's your thing, go for it. For me, it's a little much and seems to be bloody just for the sake of being bloody, not for any particular purpose. It does fit a particular, if small, niche for hyper-violent games. It's sort of a genre in and of itself. It occupies the same position in the world of RPGs as Norwegian Viking Black Death Metal does in music: Some people really love it, most do not.
A nifty little name list/generator specifically for AS&SH that is also a goldmine for other game systems. The names range from historically plausible (Jofursteinn Manason - Viking) to exotically fantastic (Goozon Slann - Hyperborean). I recommend checking out AS&SH for its 30's pulp atmosphere, but even if you don't, the price of $0 for this name generator leaves you no excuses: Just download it!
So, how to review hundreds of Lee's lists at one time? Obviously I am not going to go into any detail about specific content. Instead, I'll lump the lists into different categories.
First, lists that are really useful and are useful to me. Actually, most of the lists probably fall into this category for one reason or another. Examples: 100 Authentic Grimoires, 100 Dungeons, 100 Real Riddles, Insidious Trap Generator.
Second, lists that are useful but aren't particularly of interest or use to me. There is absolutely nothing wrong with lists in this category and, for someone else, might be extremely useful. Still a fairly large category. A few: 10,000 Cyberpunk Missions, 100 Dog Breeds, 8000 Zombie/Undead Sounds, Hacker Name Generator.
Finally, lists that don't appear to be useful to anyone. Admittedly, Lee's Lists usually gives a warning in the description so you really have no excuse. O.K., I guess they might be useful for 1 out of several billion h. sapiens on Earth. Fortunately, a small minority. Some evidence, you say: 100 Baffling Riddles, 100 Euphemisms, 100 Fantasy “Positions”, 100 Stupid Arguments, 100 U.S. Senators.
Regardless of usefulness, all of the lists are done with style, creativity and, in most cases, a healthy sense of humor. I probably should have done a list of 100 reasons why to download Lee's lists.
My friends might be shocked that I would rely on someone else for anything related to alcohol, but you can't know everything. All joking aside, the list has some great items (bastarde wine, anyone?) that make it easier to give an inn or tavern (or feast or whatever) a unique feel to differentiate it from the last one.. and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that and so on down the line. This is one of Lee's Lists more useful lists.
100 Dungeons is full of little nuggets to fire your neurons. Am I going to use these ideas as written? Maybe. The real value is in the ability of this list to send your imagination off in a random direction or to help an idea resurface from the depths of your mind palace. It's almost always helpful to have some input from someone else's brain(s) and 100 Dungeons accomplishes this admirably. It is definitely worth more than $1.
The Tomb of Sigyfel is a well written, clear little module that does what it sets out to do: Serve as a short introductory adventure. The overall quality is good with no errors or conflicting information. The map is well drawn and lends itself to use anytime a quick side trip might be needed. Although designed for Labyrinth Lord, I will be using it for AD&D 1e with no problems.