After pages through this issue, I see the same problems I have with the first issue: poor loading time of the pages, and sluggish scrolling through the document. The slow loading and sluggish scrolling would be forgivable if it only happened upon loading and the first scroll through, but even scrolling backwards through pages I have already read is sluggish. I get to watch each individual layer of the zine load in order every time I change pages. As for the supposed interactive content, I have seen naught except hyperlinks to contributors' webpages, don't get me wrong, that is nice, but hardly necessary, but when I read "interactive content" I expect at the least a hyperlinked table of contents. The slow-loading would not even be that big of a problem for me if I were able to turn-off the layers containing the colored background and other trade-dress so I could print it out in black and white for later hard-copy reading, but I cannot even do that. I guess this could be chalked up to it being a free fan-zine, but I have numerous other free PDFs that take up less space, load faster and smoother, have hyperlinked content within the product, are lavishly illustrated, and allow various layers to be turned off for varying degrees of printer friendliness.
And it's not like I have a low end computer, or I am trying to read this on a kindle or smartphone.
I hate to not only give this a low rating, but to also go on at length why I am disappointed in this. I want more Pendragon content, but I would be much happier with a much more bare-bones zine.