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Goblin Rations: The Lard Golem $0.00
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Goblin Rations: The Lard Golem
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Goblin Rations: The Lard Golem
Publisher: Little Red Goblin Games
by Christian B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2014 06:58:40

A beautiful beast.

A nice take on the classical golem. Well written, nice picture. Ready to include in your campaign.

However no imediate scenario pops up, where a lard golem would be the first choice enemy. In my view it would be better if the lard golem was (instead of a fully grown CR 11 golem) a cheap and unstable version of a golem for the less experienced magic wielding fiend - and thus a challenge for a party in the starting range.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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