This is by far the best system I have ever played to build an interesting narrative fiction. When I first read it, it sounds too simple to be true and I was doubtful. Indeed, it is a work of genius, the abstract analysis of what really matters in a good fiction, and what hidden mechanisms lie beyond the flow of a good story. And it brings it into a game, full of suspens, twist, tense relationships, constant evolution. Exactly what makes you want to know more in a good tv serie. I am pretty sure it will spread around quickly.
To sum up, it is a very clever way of framing scene and relationships and stakes, that enables to build up a complex and rich background, while keeping roleplay very free-form. Most of the creation and narration power remains in the hand of the players, the GM having mainly a coordination role.
There is somewhere (on the publisher site) a free version of the rules themselves. Here I am focusing on the Drama System itself, the rules to simulate drama. Read them and be full of doubts first, as I did, thinking that it is too simple. They try them out. They you'll start to see the huge potential.
A system is not good for what it does but it is good for what it allows you to do.
It only requires very few simple ideas to make a very good system, but it takes a very sharp, abstract and creative mind to invent them.