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Fantasy Ships of the High Seas

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Fantasy Ships of the High Seas
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Fantasy Ships of the High Seas
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Christian S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2009 12:21:42

Texts are nice, grafics are completely useless as deckplans, even as an illustration there are bad work.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Ships of the High Seas
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Jesus E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/23/2007 10:52:43

This book feels like its meant for an audiance that has little experience, but much interest with fantasy ships, which perfectly describes me! Its meant as a guide that leads the reader into the possibilities that are inherit in embarking in a high seas adventure. To that end the book succeeds since it begins with introductions into some vacabulary and then goes off to explain in fairly good detail several different ships, and some battle tactics. The overall feel of the book is that of an old treasure map, so its not surprising that the maps are drawn in a less than perfectly precise and technical form that we are accustomed to in the modern day. This detail alone seems to be overlooked by some of the reviewers here who seems to miss the point. The maps are detailed enough to have fun in an adventure, but not so technical that youll want to look at a map and spend time trying to figure out what is where and how to get there, something that in a game can get quite tedious and kill the mood. So over all if you looking for an advanture in the ocean, and your either just learning or have little experience this book is a great way to build your career and knowledge, and supplies maps good enough for a good advanture that isnt too tedious but enjoyable nonetheless.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Ships of the High Seas
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Niles C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/22/2007 10:05:44

An unmitigated waste of bandwidth.

Fantasy Ships of the High Seas is a combination of well written information that varies from the self-evident to the the partially informative. There are, of course, numerous typos and spelling mistakes. The deck plans, which take up the last half of the book, however are poorly hand drawn and poorly designed. They are of a quality that I wouldn't present to my players let alone consider suitable for publication.

One ship, the gnomish steamship, is so poorly designed that it would either sink in the first squall or tear itself apart with its first broadside.

I would suggest to the publishers they get themselves a suitable piece of mapping software (there are some good free ones out there) and actually put some effort into their future products.

Like: Very little.

Dislike: The poor quality of the maps and proofreading.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Ships of the High Seas
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Mark S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/13/2007 15:41:41

Do NOT purchase this completely worthless product!

Fantasy Ships of the High Seas and Fantasy Ships II: Coastal Raiders are two of the worst gaming products I have ever seen. I would rate them as only a waste of my time even if they had been FREE!

Instead of buying this joke for $4.95, why don't you check out 0one's Blueprints "Pirate Ship," for only $1.95.

I am having trouble thinking of anything nice to say about ComStar. I bought this product and Fantasy Ships II: Coastal Raiders at the same time. That was an incredibly STUPID thing to do! If I had seen what a horrible turd I was buying I would never have touched another ComStar product.

The nicest thing I can say about the "deck plans" included in this pdf is that they are ludicrously childish. Any gamer could do just as well in five minutes of sloppy work. There is nothing useful here...nothing.

I didn't know how important it is to read reviews before making a purchase...and I had more faith in RPGNow than I should have. I cannot believe they allowed this insult to gamers to be listed on their website.

I am so angry over the quality of these two publications that I will never buy anything from ComStar again, and shame on RPGNow for allowing this crap on their site!

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Ships of the High Seas
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Andrew M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/17/2006 00:00:00

For $4.95 I am not certain how much one can expect; however, I expected more than this. &#8220;Fantasy Ships of the High Seas&#8221; is a 24 page PDF that offers 21 pages of material (not counting License, cover, ads and so on). The first 10 pages contain a table of contents, introduction and some statistical material followed by 11 pages of ship maps (the primary reason I was attracted to this product). Overall the look and feel of the product is promising (regardless of occasional incorrect word usage) until you get to the ship plans, which while not entirely unusable, are entirely disappointing. <br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Some of the material is good and the discussion on tactics in a fantasy game where a single fireball can wipe out a ship has some good thoughts to be mined. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The &#8220;beautifully elaborate (and historically accurate) deck plans&#8221; are anything but. Poorly drawn by hand on graph paper these are ugly maps. As for historical accuracy how historically accurate is it to have root masses growing from the masts in a clipper ship? Again this is about Fantasy ships, so how much can I gripe?

The biggest gripe I have is that there are many better products out there that cover the material much more thoroughly and effectively. The only reason I saw to get this product was the deck-plans, which are so very poorly done. So if you want an inexpensive primer to nautical gaming then this may have some material for use but for anyone with any background in the subject save your money. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Ships of the High Seas
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Anna D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/07/2006 00:00:00

Some good information in this product. The ship's weapons and tactics are useful.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: The tactics.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Not very happy with the illustrations of the ship decks and the font for the text is a bit difficult to read when printed out.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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