Do NOT purchase this completely worthless product!
Fantasy Ships of the High Seas and Fantasy Ships II: Coastal Raiders are two of the worst gaming products I have ever seen. I would rate them as only a waste of my time even if they had been FREE!
Instead of buying this joke for $4.95, why don't you check out 0one's Blueprints "Pirate Ship," for only $1.95.
I am having trouble thinking of anything nice to say about ComStar. I bought this product and Fantasy Ships II: Coastal Raiders at the same time. That was an incredibly STUPID thing to do! If I had seen what a horrible turd I was buying I would never have touched another ComStar product.
The nicest thing I can say about the "deck plans" included in this pdf is that they are ludicrously childish. Any gamer could do just as well in five minutes of sloppy work. There is nothing useful here...nothing.
I didn't know how important it is to read reviews before making a purchase...and I had more faith in RPGNow than I should have. I cannot believe they allowed this insult to gamers to be listed on their website.
I am so angry over the quality of these two publications that I will never buy anything from ComStar again, and shame on RPGNow for allowing this crap on their site!