Another over-blown offering from Fat Dragon.
Others have already commented on most of this product's short-comings, but here's what I endured...
I suppose for 3 bucks you can't expect much, but even making a simple, bare hill, without any ruins, was a ridiculous effort, AND virtual failure.
As others have said, it takes about 2 hours, but this was way too long for a blank-topped bump on the battlefield, and that is indeed all this produces. A tiny hump of grassy dirt, not the top of anything approaching even the smallest hill. By scale, it would suffice for a children's backyard game of king of the "hill". The tactical necessity of a 5' high gentle rise is minimal in most of my figure battles.
Yet, that might be all right, if only it wasn't a piece of crap. The convoluted side-strips are too long to manageably affix well; there are no instructions & no decent way to attach the base; and, after all that snipping, gluing, & time, the top of the thing isn't even level.
Yet, worst of all, the ill-designed sides result in multiple points where the white cardstock shows through.
If I wanted an irregular bump that I had to color-in myself, I could do that without paying Fat Dragon.