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Hedge Mazes Set 2: Terminals

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Hedge Mazes Set 2: Terminals
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Hedge Mazes Set 2: Terminals
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Wayne W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2014 15:33:26

This is a very nice set of maps/playing area that can be used for role playing games. While designed for fantasy RPGS, this set of hedge mazes could easily be used in a modern setting, everything from a horror setting trying to find, or get away from a madan, to a modern Spy setting as agents try to find and even kill each other.

The pages are nice and crisp. the set up is modular and the pages can be set up in a lot of different ways to give a GM lots of layouts and designs to pick from. The pages look nice on the playing table and most size minis should fit in the squares. I used a black and white printer and got ok results. the maze pops when using color, but a serviceable look can be achieved with black and white.

If I have a minor fault with the set, its that printing at home could be a bit expensive. Many of these pages are very ink intensive and could cost quite a bit printing at home.. A suggesting would be to print one or two pages and see how well your home computer printer will print it out....I had the local office supply store print out mine. It was not cheap, but I have them on cardstock paper and it was worth the investment.....a few of the edges are a bit fuzzy, but its not a deal breaker....

If printing at home, I would use cardstock paper....its not cheap, but worth the extra cost for the durability

For the cost of a soda and bag of chips, the budget GM can get a nice set of mazes that is resuable and would be a lot of fun to fight in or try to solve a nice puzzle ....... l;

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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