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Privateer Press

Full Metal Fridays: Volume 1

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Full Metal Fridays: Volume 1
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Full Metal Fridays: Volume 1
Publisher: Privateer Press
by Jordan P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/23/2018 18:25:33

This is a must-have if you plan on running Iron Kingdoms RPG (whether the "Full Metal Fantasy" variety, or "Unleashed"). You certainly can't beat the price.

In particular, the "Satyxis" seemed an odd introduction for conventional "Full Metal Fantasy," since Cryx still isn't playable (and you can't very well have Satyxis just casually blending into polite society in the Iron Kingdoms), but with the release of "Unleashed," they make far more sense now as a playable race among the "savage" races who quite likely simply wouldn't care that someone has horns and hooves.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Full Metal Fridays: Volume 1
Publisher: Privateer Press
by Peter M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/19/2014 14:25:27

There are three reasons why you should get this file:

  1. It contains many useful ideas and materials, both for GMs and players.
  2. It is free.
  3. The files are available for download separately on the PP website, but downloading them separately is both a hassle and problematic because many of the separate files on the PP site cause pdf readers to crash (except for adobe reader, which is slow but doesn't seem to have any problems).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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