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Megabook M3
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Megabook M3
Publisher: CE Publishing Group
by Keith M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/06/2014 03:26:50

Co-op - Art's not good (appears to be pictures messed about with in Photoshop), the story has a number of spelling and grammar errors.

Astral Crusaders - Okay art, interesting story.

Monkey Boy - Nice cartoony art & story.

Drugbust - Not so good art, an interesting idea, but an underwhelming story.

Gatekeeper - Nice art and characters, although the mystery of what's going on is left for the next chapter.

Transient - Rough art and "story". Not enough plot.

The Accidental Hero - Amusing text story.

Diver Down - Nice art, story is okay.

Decay - The number of typos were distracting and the character sketch wasn't all that interesting.

Wargod - Okay art, not much of a story, it feels like a teaser, but we're not given much reason to care.

Spirit Legends - Cartoony, manga-esque art that works for the cartoony manga-esque story.

Nestor - Relatively good art, the story probably could have been helped with a little more background and character, as it is it's pretty straight forward (hero confronts villain, hero defeats villain) that one wonders what the point was.

Last Call - Okay art, but practically no story at all.

Pantheon - Art could be better, the story became interesting once the gods came into it.

M.R.P. - Art is okay, the story has its moments, although the trapped in a video game aspect works against it for me.

Dhampyr - Okay art, okay story.

Thrillscarlet - Nice illustrated text story, but the number of typos was annoying.

Kathleen - Pages 2 & 3 are in the wrong order. Art's okay, but the story is just an introduction.

Grimm Legacy #1 - Cute story.

Grimm Legacy #2 - Cute, but just part one of the story.

Monuments Men - Okay intro.

Catfight Dream Into Action Intro - Shame the artist doesn't know how to draw sixth graders, since the two main characters are that age for most of this intro.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Megabook M3
Publisher: CE Publishing Group
by jordan t. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/05/2014 14:41:40

This book is absolutely amazing. The amount of stories and the art just makes you want to read it over and over. The fact that it is free is just too cool! Check it out everyone you will not be disappointed I promise!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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