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Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Six: Crypt Crawl $2.50
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Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Six: Crypt Crawl
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Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Six: Crypt Crawl
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by Robert N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/24/2018 12:46:49

Great set to populate your crypts and tombs! I've only used the giant rats so far in my D&D sessions, but am eager to use the giant flies and maggots. Those will surely get a reaction from my players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Six: Crypt Crawl
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by Shannon J B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/18/2014 14:07:04

Excellent work as always for this vendor. I love the minis all having back artwork as well as different poses. Makes them look so great on the tabletop!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Six: Crypt Crawl
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by David W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/21/2014 06:30:37

What more can be said? It is an OKUM ARTS set of figures!! It has been far too long since he has released a set of figures, and I have to admit, the wait has been worth it!

Beautifully drawn figures with vivid, brilliant colors that really grab you. No matter what game you are playing, these horrible beasts can find their way into the deepest, darkest caverns of your dungeons, and give your heroes something to battle.

What I enjoy the most is there are common (4 figure pose) creatures, and uncommon (two figure pose) creatures. You can print as many pages as you want, and have swarms of maggoty creatures, or a dungeon filled with Owlbears.

What a great addition to my fantasy papercraft collection!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Six: Crypt Crawl
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by umberto p. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2014 06:48:57

Customary great set from David Okum. Good art, smart use of layers and useful creatures. PS David, I want a jelly cube, sooner or later!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Six: Crypt Crawl
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by Luca V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2014 02:02:17

First and foremost, let me come out of the closet: owlbears are my "fetish monster" in RPGs, along with Rust Eaters. I greatly appreciate Okumart style (he stays just one step outside manga, which is exactly in my comfort zone. So, when Okumart makes a set with TWO (count'em: two!) owlbears, I have to jump in. The undead sheet has 5 layers, which means you can have an enormous variety of zombies and ghouls. This sheet alone, when used with the (free) set zero, is enough to populate any low to medium level dungeon and keep us all happy while waiting for the next set!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Darkfast Classic Fantasy Set Six: Crypt Crawl
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by Anne T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2014 01:43:03

I hate zombies.

And it's more than just because there's been an oversaturation of them in recent genre media, it's personal.

But even though a full third of the paper minis in this set are the creeping, cannibalistic, bloody undead, OkumArts figures are always so fantastic that it was an insta-buy for me. Even if this set had been all and only zombies, Okum's vivid artwork with wonderful line and colour, dynamic poses, evocative characters, and humourous easter eggs, illustrated in an old-school dungeon-crawling style are really the best paper miniatures you can get, anywhere. Don't believe just me - he's already been twice nominated for Ennies for his minis, and it's only the Pathfinder behemoth that's kept him off the podium, I'm sure.

This particular set includes 7 files, a product cover, an ad for his forum and other work, two sheets of instructions, and three sheets of figures. The first is a layered pdf with alternate colourways, which includes 3 zombie villagers, 4 old-school orcs (p'orks), and 5 grey gravelings. The second includes 8 giant rats, 6 giant maggots, 4 giant flies, (and a partridge in a pear tree - nope, sorry, wrong song). The bonus (non-crypt themed) sheet includes 4 giant ferrets, 2 giant weasels, and 2 terrific owlbears. I'll be posting photos of the figures over the next week at my blog (

I have each and every one of OkumArts Darkfast and other fantasy sets, and I'm looking for an excuse, a game, any way to justify picking up his Pulp Sci-Fi and Western figures too. The figures are easy to print, cut, glue, and have on the table in short order, and look better than 95% of home-painted 3D miniatures.

What are you still doing reading this review? Buy 'em, you won't regret 'em!*

*Unless, of course, they actually come to life, and go after your brain. They are lively-looking enough to do that. You can be mad at me then, but I'll be already been dead and eaten. ;)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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