I suppose I went into this product with the wrong expectations. When I saw the phrase "advanced class" I thought perhaps it was a base class in the vein of the classes in the Advanced Player's Guide. What is actually in this product is a prestige class, and not a great one.
The actual class itself breaks a few conventions of pathfinder- its HD and Base Attack don't line up with standard conventions, and it requires certain attribute scores to obtain, unlike any other prestige class. It has lots of skill points, but the fewest number of class skills I have ever seen of any class, ever. Most of its abilities are glorified Rogue Tricks (in most cases, literally), and there is no customization; just a linear progression from one ability to the next. The class makes it possible to get Improved Evasion without having Evasion first, if you want- to me, it's a sign that mechanical interactions weren't well thought out ahead of time. This isn't including the fact that even though it's clearly meant for rogues, fighters and paladins qualify for it earlier if they choose, potentially for their 4th level. Ranks in Acrobatics would have made sense as a prerequisite and would have helped push it back into the levels prestige classes normally happen at.
In the technical side, the PDF is riddled with typos and awkward sentences. An editor or proofreader could really have helped. In its favor, a printer-friendly version is included.
In all, I feel more than a bit cheated for the price this PDF is going for. This product is too short, under-designed, and poorly written to justify the expense, even before considering the offerings of other companies.