The Monster Hide series by Asparagus Jumpsuit, which means by Berin Kinsman, provide pre-generated monster statblocks for Pathfinder and, as the subtitle “classic monsters reskinned” implies, presents a new take on the role of each these humanoids in a campaign world.
The basic structure of all of the Monster Hide books is the same: cover, 1-page introduction to why Kinsman wrote the series and some background on Asparagus Jumpsuit, then a discussion on how the races fits into the Desteon campaign, Kinsman’s campaign world, and how they vary from the norm and suggestions for their use in a campaign. Next is the core of the product, a set of five statblocks with the interesting parts all hyperlinked to the appropriate parts of the d20PFSRD. Each ends with a copy of the OGL as you would expect. There are a smattering of errors scattered through the works but nothing that cannot be easily sorted.
Trollhide, Regenerating Giants Reskinned, begin with Kinsman’s reminiscences about the dangers of trolls (having lost a PC to one) and on how they can be difficult to use. Here there are immature trolls, mixed-breed (ogre and fey) and, the most dangerous of all, troll mothers. A good variety of vicious trolls.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal