There are two parts to this PDF package. Four pages of door and doorway markers, a plain floor area, and a page of eleven two-by-two-square room furnishing markers (comprising a circular fireplace, a well, treasure chests, a bed, debris, sacks, barrels, table and chairs, two benches, a trapdoor, and a sluiceway) form an opening do-it-yourself component, while the remaining pages present eleven individual pre-designed rooms, one per page. Everything is drawn in pencil-sketch greyscale, using an isometric (3D) viewpoint, as also in Set One. Where Set One was presented as a single, specific dungeon, with some notes on fleshing it out for RPG use, Set Two forms a more generic product.
This Set suffers some of the same problems and limitations as Set One, however. The drawings are certainly bolder and somewhat more assured, if still too faint in places to work on anything except a "photo" quality printout setting on good photo paper for most home-use inkjets. There are the same "ghostly" archways, walls and pillar bases in parts too, intended to aid clarity, but I found them sometimes confusing. The translucent cavern walls on page 14 give an impression of an Escher (so impossible) drawing, not the immediate clarity a genuine battle map needs, for example.
Although again designed to work for US "Letter"-sized paper, thus needing reduction to fit the "A4"-sized paper many gamers elsewhere will have access to, some allowance has been made for that here, so the squares are around an inch (2.3 cm) or so in maximum edge-length at times on an A4 print (albeit inconsistently applied across the full Set). This should make Set Two less problematic when used with 25mm-30mm scale gaming figures, certainly. Even so, the one-direction viewpoint isometric drawings require, means most round-the-table gaming groups will find it difficult to make proper use of this product, beyond being handy player visual aids.
There's an eclectic mixture of hallways, staircases in different forms, and set-piece rooms in the pre-drawn section. Without being comprehensive, these are useful and do have their points of interest. It's curious there are so many doorway options provided in the opening pages, yet doorways are also drawn on to the complete rooms, and that where the rooms have a specific purpose, they're also drawn as fully furnished. This seems at odds with the concept of the furnishing markers, and maybe more pages of such markers, and predominantly empty rooms, would have made this seem less of a compromised product, as if unsure whether it wants to be a set of battle maps for a defined dungeon, or a full set of pieces from which to create your own dungeon settings. The weakest is the "tavern" drawing on page 10, which is less assuredly sketched, and is far too cluttered with immovable furnishings to work as anything other than a "this is what you see" players' viewpoint drawing.
Overall, this is closer to its intended "battle-ready maps" aim than Set One, within the limits of isometric drawings, and I've rated it accordingly.