This is a very well put together book, full of interesting bits, however in 20+ years I have never been part of a group where any info on Anarchs was needed. This book adds more information to a group we need nothing from.
Great little generator. 8 pages of content, ranging from brothel name / specialty lists to Signature move and prostitute background generators. A surprising amount of content contained within this little packet. I was expecting just a few words attached to some d100 lists but this goes greatly into detail, telling you practically every detail you could want to know about the brothel. Easy to concoct hooks for places or to insert a brothel some PC has unexpectedly decided to visit.
Definitely a product I would recommend.
Excellent premise, good art, interested to see where this series leads. Interesting to see the main characters ensuring history goes on the "correct" path.
Great Comic! Really liked the art and story. The art was easy to follow, not too busy or vague; it evoked a nice classic comic book style. Multiple personalities for the primary character was a nice twist; Virtue always arriving just after Malice has fled; While nothing Malice does can get Virtue to face him. Good drama with the complications from the personal lives of the different men all colliding.
Look forward to reading more of this character.
First, this is a nice little product. You are getting 4 pages of encounters with the City Watch and 8 pages of ads or blank.
The content is very nice. A quick 1-5 initial encounters with the watch. Then 20 much more in depth encounters. To echo an other reviewer, all of these could become plot points
While this is titled Encounters with the City Watch, very easily this could be Encounters with the Police. A few require reworking, but all provide good, interesting brushes with the local law.
A good collection of interesting displays. Five different categories - Auditory, Material, Mental, Olfactory, and visual. These give nice flair to the usage of any power, as there's no mechanics these can be use with any system.
I was uncertain of the effect this would add to my gaming table, but wow, both myself and players were impressed. The foreign bazaar / middle eastern sound really helped all of us get into the game. The little sounds, such as the animals and people haggling, really felt like we were on a street somewhere with all this action around us. I did not need to describe every little action happening as they could hear it.
A huge benefit to my game, looking forward to trying out some more.
Also it's only $2, which is a very fair price to try this out. Very affordable and reasonable.
Ok this book is bit on the crazy side. Pushing the content of what a Vampire game was. However it introduced many new concepts that are a canonical pieces of the World of Darkness.
A new faction - The Tal'mahe'Ra - and how they have been manipulating, from behind the scenes, for centuries.
A strong tie-in to Wraith, with the detailing of the city of Enoch. The Tal'mahe'Ra fortress in the Shadowlands.
3 new Bloodlines - Nagajara, True Brujah, and the Old Clan Tzimisce - and their new disciplines.
A new Thaumatury path - Biothaumaturgic Experimentation - and many rituals.
3 new Paths - Path of the Scorched Heart, Path of Self-Focus, and Path of Lilith.
Many Abilities, Backgrounds, Merits and Flaws.
The fleshing out of Revenants. Which includes introducing 3 new Families - the Enrathi, the Marijava, & the Rafastio. Finally some families which are from somewhere other than Eastern Europe.
An interesting read, although a bit behind now that V20 is out, but good overall.
This is a great book. All the information you need for setting your Werewolf campaign during the 19th century. The book has many built-in rivalries, giving the impression of the tribes killing each other much more often than working together.
New Gifts, and Rites. And the mechanics of this match up with Werewolf 3rd edition. Starting with no character concept, I found the description of the tribes, and examples of common members, to be very inspiring with character concept and generation coming together very fast.
This product is only 2 pages, with no cover page, but don't be deterred by that. I found all of these traits to be interesting little hooks to help flesh out Villains (or any NPC). Now some of these are odd, skin is studded with gems, and may not fit all genres. However the mass majority are superb little gems to make your NPCs be much more memorable.
We have all fought the evil Baron and didn't really remember his name, because he was just the villain and didn't need a name. But enter the Baron, who is so grotesquely fat, that his fat rolls squeeze out of the armour he has somehow managed to get on, and who things he is stunningly handsome, and you have a memorable villain.
I was very pleased with this product. I received an excellent collection of traits, I can not wait to start sprinkling into my game.
While the list is only 1 page and gives no description of the rooms, the cost is 0.00 and takes only moments to download. I recently was mapping out a residence and could have used this product to help fill in some of the rooms. But that points out, this product is most beneficial when used ahead of time, during the planning of a adventure.
Many of the rooms have very imaginative names and that could be an evenings hook.
I was very pleased with this product. When first opening the book, the formatting and smart layout caught my eye. Each secret has a clear heading, that is very noticeable.
But what I really enjoyed is the plug-n-play nature of this content. These nasty little secrets will work with any game. Quite a few of the secrets have a suggestion, detailing how someone with said secret could come into play, and the havoc they would cause.
I heartily recommend this product.
This is a decent list of 100 random things that could be happening on a city street corner. As the header of the page says, this works in cyberpunk, urban modern, or any modern-ish city setting.
The list provides a nice starting event for an evening's adventure, some interesting background events, or possibly a hook for a side quest.
Every entry is a quick one or two sentence description of what's going on. And since it's merely a description, there no game system, so this works for everyone.
For only $1 this is a good purchase to add some descriptions to background activities.
I bought this product with the thought of the times when the players suddenly take interest in what should be a background NPC. A quick list like this really helps to flesh out characters. And the fact that's it's 100 traits makes for fast random rolling.
Some random groupings: (21) has delusions of grandeur, (47) Thinks he's more important than everyone else, (95) Absentminded, but brilliant inventor.
(36) Colourblind, (59) Constantly fidgets with a coin, (72) Unlucky in love.
Just pick some traits and the characters practically start forming themselves.
As a final note, while this does say Villager traits, these could be the traits for people in the big city, people in the spaceport at the edge of known space, or the traits of sentients other than human. I'm pleased with my purchase of this product.
I was unsure what this would offer with the preview being so small. However, the three samples in the descriptions and the mass of text I could see in the preview (and the very reasonable price) swayed me to give this product a try.
And Wow! This truly is a list of 2452 Occupations. Sure every entry is the title and a brief one or two word sentence but that's all you need.
There is no need for a skill listing telling you the Bonesetter needs some sort of medicine or heal skill, or that the Fur Cutter needs survival or some sort of nature lore skill. Placing the appropriate skill for the job is pretty easy.
I'm not sure how a boarder or a freedman are occupations but I'm very happy with the added depth this can give any campaign set in some sort of a 19th Century.