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Medical Drug Generator
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Shane P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/15/2014 17:50:33

I was generally happy with this product and enjoyed the random drug name tables although it often took several rolls before I got a name I preferred - but trying to pronounce the rejected names was half the fun. The biggest hole in the product was a lack of information on the use of the drug. The opening paragraph seems to suggest that all drugs are used for curing disease. In my role playing games this is one of the less frequent uses. I categorised my drugs as Poison antidote, antibiotics for disease, general healing (hit point restoring) drugs, ability boosters, control drugs (eg pentathol, rohypnol), and recreational drugs (depressants and euphorics). The dosage tables were cumbersome with all drugs requiring a long term regimen of use. Most characters want to know how quick a single dose will work and how long the effects will last. The other tables gave a well rounded picture of the affects and usage although another table on misuse (over dosage or incorrect application may have been useful - do extra doses increase the effects or the side effects? and what happens if you take a suppository orally?)

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Medical Drug Generator
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