This is a well thought out excellent product, that merges the best of the Mayfair Games DC Heroes system and the TSR Marvel FASERIP system to create it's own unique system that is recognizable. I participated in the kickstarter and don't regret it for a second. For those into superhero RPG's it is well worth a look.
What I have read looks interesting and I am looking forward to the final product when it is released next year.
The OGRE System is elegant and easy to follow and is well worth looking at by itself, the fact that there was a lot of thought into the entire setting as well which makes it even better.
Wonderful job of distilling the era into an understandable format for player's and GM's alike using a system with plenty of wriggle room to enable different play styles to interact successfully. EABA is highly recommended. Verne is also for anyone into steampunk
Nice ideas for the expansion, just wish they had added better game play rules.
Nice ideas for the expansion, just wish they had added better game play rules.
The rules are hard to follow and the game play isn't as well thought out or usable as I would like, but as a spoof of Tentacle Rape Beast Hentai it works really well for laugh purposes and bachelor parties.
Enabled the purchase of Hentacle, the card game of Hentai fun as a single package. The existence of the bundle was the reason I purchased the game system, which is a super stitch in its own right.
A really good job of creating rules that allow for the use of different miniature sets in tabletop sci-fi play, even using a setting that shows the use of Victorian style miniatures in a sci-fi setting. One of the groups is, in effect, a cyberneticically upgraded troop of Colonial (1800-1900 era) British Soldiers.
A very good job of fantasy scale tactics that allows for the use of any miniatures you happen to own.
Nice update, although it is a little confusing as too much of the format for the tables changed from earlier editions, then again it enabled all the equipment to go on 1 table instead of 9 so win some lose some.
This is an excellent update to the Battletech rules, it clearly codifies what people who are playing need to know. It could do with a batch of training scenarios, but then again if it did no one would need to buy the box set, LOL.
Enables addition to minature sets without lot of cost and even had the courtesy to think of making 4 versions with 4 different types of wood to avoid everything looking the same.
Enables addition to minature sets without lot of cost and even had the courtesy to think of making 4 versions with 4 different types of wood to avoid everything looking the same.
Enables addition to minature sets without lot of cost and even had the courtesy to think of making 4 versions with 4 different types of wood to avoid everything looking the same.