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Trees of Fantasy
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by David P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2006 00:00:00

This product will have every elf player you know hugging you like you were a tree. There are 23 non-magical, non-treant trees designed for a fantasy world in this PDF. So what?s so exciting about trees? Plenty, when you examine this PDF. Each tree includes information on special properties, harvesting the wood, and effects the tree would potentially have on the world if use. The obvious benefits of some of these trees are in the making of weapons and armor. Armors, for example, that can offer fire resistance because they are made of Red Cypress, a tree that grows near lava. Or bracers that don?t really do anything for your armor class rating, but could save your life if your plate-mail warrior finds himself overboard.

But there are plenty of products that offer new weapons and armor. Where this PDF is different is in the practical uses of the trees. This product isn?t so much an alternative source of treasure or twinking, but something to help add a bit of character to your setting. So what happens when the party is in a town during the dry season, and the surrounding forest of everburn pine suddenly explodes? That feeling of gloom as they approach the evil vampire lord?s castle isn?t just dread, but evil coming off of the Death Yew trees surrounding them as well.

But people are gonna want new stuff, and this PDF delivers that as well. There are a lot of variant traps in this product, illustrating how the wood from the different trees can be employed to make even normal stuff more interesting (and dangerous). And some of the items are just too cool. Make hang gliders and wooden legs (there are even new skills for making and installing prosthetics and safely operating a hang glider!).

The product isn?t printer friendly, because the art is full color. On my monitor, though, it looks great and the illustrations do a great job of taking these fantasy tree ideas and making them seem real. Some bookmarks and some flesging out of the table of contents would have been helpful as well. But it's not that big of a deal. <br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: A great collection of trees to add a little variety to a campaign, and tons of new items to make tree huggers happy.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: no printer friendly version or bookmarks.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trees of Fantasy
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Peter I. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/25/2006 00:00:00

Trees of Fantasy is a 26 page pdf product. This product is a stand-alone pdf from Bards and Sages that features 23 fantasy trees, and in particular details the properties, descriptions and special qualities of the woods that derive from these fantasy trees. The pdf aims to provide a greater amount of detail to a fantasy campaign setting, both in providing types of trees, but also in the number of new magical and mundane items that can be derived from them.

Trees of Fantasy weighs in at 21 MB, largely due to the full color art contain in the product. The pdf contains no bookmarks, nor a printer friendly version, and in the latter case with the full color art, some of it taking up an entire page, it'll be costly on one's ink. There is a table of contents, although not quite detailed enough in, for example, listing the pages the individual trees appear on. A table providing a summary of all the trees and their pertinent use or special qualities would also have been useful. Artwork is generally good, although perhaps too 'real' and not enough 'fantasy'. Editing and writing is good as well, although the presentation isn't spectacular, as highlighted by the number of things that are missing from the pdf.

The product starts by providing a brief introduction to the pdf. This pdf is about trees, and in particular the wood that comes from them. The wood of different trees can be used for different purposes, be it crafting weapons, armor or more mundane yet interesting items. A full overview is given on the details one can expect in each entry, with a complete description of each entry and the meaning of the key elements of the entry. Wood from these trees can be used for a variety of purposes, and the pdf has a section entitled 'effects on the world' under each entry which details some of the considerations one needs to use when using the material. I found those very helpful as a form of 'designer note'.

There are 23 unique fantasy trees presented in this pdf. Examples of the trees include the Bone Spruce (for creating wooden skeletons that can be animated as undead), Balsa Liftwood (a floating wood that can easily lift things), Ironwood (resistant to fire and most weapon damage), red cypress (protection from fire), Silver Fir (weapons crafted from it affect creatures with DR silver), and Yellow Sugi (a wood with certain calming effects and good auras). Overall there were some good and interesting trees, with a suitable variety for use in most campaign settings. I particularly like the Bone Spruce, which can be used by necromancers to create wooden skeletons.

In places the mechanical explanation of a tree's properties is weak or incomplete, by for example, mention things like 'DR fire' rather than 'fire resistance'. More details could certainly have been included on crafting aspects of using these woods. For example, the red cypress is invulnerable to fire, but it's not mentioned in the entry what happens when armor is crafted from the wood, nor what crafting such armor would cost. The incompleteness of some of the entries makes using the material problematic in places without sufficient mechanical backing.

The latter part of the pdf covers a whole host of mundane and magical items. There were some interesting and useful items here, but again the mechanics was disappointing. The hearing aid, for example, a device crafted from the quivering aspen, grants the user a +2 bonus to listen check when worn in the ear. This, however, only costs 5 gp, which is too cheap for the function it provides. The variety of items, though, showcases the utility and benefits of the different trees, and most DMs and players will find some useful material in this pdf. A number of new traps based on these woods are also included, and welcome addition to the pdf since not many pdfs have details on traps.

Trees of Fantasy is a product that presents a variety of different trees and the properties of the wood that can be harvested from them. There are some interesting trees with useful functionality, although the lack of detail and the often weak mechanical execution hamper one's appreciation for the trees themselves. Nevertheless, with 23 trees and a lot of new magical and mundane items, this is a useful product that can find use in any campaign setting.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: The variety of trees and magical items increases the utility of the product, and there are some interesting ideas such as the bone spruce. The pdf covers a niche area that's worth exploring, and provides some good information to expand on your campaign world, and in particular the forests and trees of the world.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The pdf requires a printer friendly version given the heavy use of full-color art. Weak mechanical implementation and lack of detail in places makes it unclear how one should make the most of the material included.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Peter, thank you for your review of the product. As some of our customers have pointed out (and what we know from our own experiences) all printers have an option to "print in B&W" or "print to grayscale." For those not wanting to print in color, this is a quick and easy solution. In fact, as a hint, most printers also offer a "draft" option that prints quicker and uses less ink, ideal for when you just want the text and aren't concerned about reproducing the art. I use this all the time for my own print outs. I just wanted to point out that the Red Cypress does, in fact, mention what happens when you use it to craft armor. Masterwork items crafted of the material gain fire resistance of 20. We even included an example item (Red Cypress shield) to illustrate the point.
Trees of Fantasy
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Nathan C. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/11/2006 00:00:00

Going out on a limb, the team at Bards and Sages has presented a decent product with their releast of Trees of Fantasy. Trees of Fantasy is a supplement that provides details on 23 different types of trees to import into your d20 game.

Trees of Fantasy is a small supplement sprouting 26 pages of information about our often ignored lifeforms. The lack of the d20 stamp of approval may throw you off a bit, but rest assured that the items and stats are all compatible. I have never been big on details such as flora in my campaign, but the short descriptions and interesting stats and varieties for each tree are interesting enough to want to put one or two of them as permanent fixtures in your campaign.

For the Dungeon Master

This book is primarily for DMs whom like to flesh out their world. If you have five or six regions in your campaign, this book is an excellent for adding a popular breed of tree in that region. Your PCs will really understand and get a feeling they are in a new ?location? if the type of flora in the area changes with the climate. Sure there are no treants in the book, but there are enough monster trees on the market. Each of the tree descriptions are well written and very different. I believe DMs will really enjoy the death yew. It?s a tree that grows when intense death has happened in the area. Without saying too much you could portray to your PCs the danger of the area by throwing in a Death Yew amist a bunch of Everwood Pine.

You will also get some good use out of the items in the back of the book. If you have strong forest cultures in your campaign world, there are plenty of items to decorate homes and NPCs with to pull off that ?foresty? look.

For the PC

This book is a must for druids, rangers, fey and other foresty type characters whom you wish to give some additional character too. If you wondered how to stock a character with items when he has never been in the city before, you can surely use the magical weapons and armor. I can also see foresty PCs using the tree descriptions in their background stories.

The Iron Word

Outside of adding a few PC eating trees, I never thought about the forests of an area. Trees of Fantasy will grow the detail in your campaign with some well placed flora. You will probably want to find your own artwork for the trees though. There was much to be desired from the washed water paint trees in the book. Some looked a bit too natural for a fantasy game, like the kind that guy on PBS used to draw.
<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Great way to plug a niche that has gone unexplored<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The artwork took the feel of the writing away from me<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Trees of Fantasy
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Sean H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/08/2006 00:00:00

Trees of Fantasy by Bards and Sages is a 24-page source-book of fantastic trees and types of wood. As the introduction of the book points out the trade in lumber and worked wood has a long and profitable history and it should be no different in a fantasy world. Indeed a fantasy world is likely to have special woods with unique properties which this product details.

Each of the 23 types of wood is detailed by appearance ? and accompanied by a full-color illustration ? with complete game statistics, value and ability and the possible effects of including such wood on a game world. Among the types of wood presented are: balsa liftwood that floats in the air under certain circumstance. Types of wood that are as hard as metal, including ?mystic? ironwood and elven redwood. With other woods possessing interesting special effects and abilities.

There are several items, quasi-mundane and magic, using the new materials. Though one of the items (Sugi Staff of Healing) is given the ability to cast both lesser restoration and cure serious wound without a cost in charges, making it an eternal and very powerful (artefact level) healing item. Along with ways to use these woods in traps. Lastly, there are new uses of skills.

While the full color illustrations are much appreciated and provide a useful set of visual references, a printer friendly version with the illustrations broken out separately (so the DM would only need to print the ones needed at the time) would have been helpful.

This product is a wonderful way to expand a game world by adding colorful (often literally) background elements with as much system impact as the DM wishes to allow. While the rules used in this product are D20, most of the ideas would be easily adaptable to any fantasy settings.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Fantastic items that are interesting without being powerful.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: No printer friendly version.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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